Once Upon a Time...
by René Allen
Epic times ahead with all of the wonderful NaNoWriMo Authors, aspiring authors, writers, and poets gearing up for National Novel Writing Month that will take place online next month in November 2015!
NaNoWriMo.org ~ Love, love, love it! You must try writing for a month straight, if you have never done so before, and find out what you're made of. I've participated for many years writing online for National Novel Writing Month (affectionately known as, NaNoWriMo), because a good online writing friend of mine urged me to do so many years ago (Jen~bless your Writer's heart) -- and I've been participating ever since....
When I first heard of NaNoWriMo, (thanks to my friend Jen), I said to myself, (and out loud), "what in the world is that about?" ... and, "what kind of name is that?" -- then I patiently listened as Jen explained why she enjoyed participating in this month-long writing phenomonom. You'll really enjoy meeting other Authors & Writers (both online and in person) -- depending upon the area in which you live, you can meet up with other NaNoWriMo participants at Writing Events in your area.
If you love writing, and/or are an aspiring author, do participate, because you'll also receive advice about your literary creation as you're working on it; you'll get plenty of tips if you seek them; you'll be able to obtain pep talks; you'll be able to join in on the Forums inside; and you'll also enjoy plenty of helpful support.
Here's the good thing about striving to reach a goal that involves writing a Novel in a month's time -- it means you'll have to FOCUS. Whenever you focus on the story (or stories) that live inside of you, then you open the pathway that leads to the birthing process. And, my oh my, what a beautiful baby you'll make!
If you plan to participate in National Novel Writing Month this year, don't think too hard about what you are going to create. In fact, try to remember that focusing and thinking are two different things altogether.
Here ~ Let me help you, get yourself a Journal ...
Of course, when you first open up your Journal, there will be blank pages. The Journal then begins to take on a life of its own once you focus on putting your pen to the paper. Notice that I did not tell you to think about what you were going to write. Simply FOCUS on putting your pen to the paper. Let your hand do what it does best ~ WRITE...
Once upon a time, you never would have found so many beautiful and gifted people writing Novels in a month's time online. Well, we are about to step into November 2015, and together we've got our EYE on National Novel Writing Month...
See YOU there!
Writer's Insightful Tip for OCTOBER 2015:
If you stop and place your hands on a keyboard and create a story that makes you do a double-take because of the power of the words; and if your story causes your emotions to stir, and your eyebrows raise in amazement, then I suggest that you cherish the "gift", because YOU are a Writer!
Peace, Love & Light,
You'll find more about my experiences with NaNoWriMo here on my Blog. Do check out all of my Blog posts.