Saturday, September 30, 2017

RACE ~ Gender ~ EQUALITY ~ Justice ~ PART III

RACE ~ Gender ~ EQUALITY ~ Justice


September 30th, 2017

What a month it has been!  No matter where you are located, we are about to step into a new month ~ The question is, what will the month of October bring for us?

If you have been here for our last few Blog Sessions, then you were shown lots of video clips on issues that are happening at this present time.  We discussed the devastating hurricanes that have taken place and the leadership responses.  We also discussed protests going on relative to the meaning of the National Anthem of the United States of America and public opinion in relation to the NFL, President Trump's remarks, and public opinion.

You may or may not have an opinion on the topics of Race, Gender, Equality and Justice, but chances are you definitely have something to say about each issue, especially if it affects you, your family, your friends, or your loved ones.  If you care about people (even if you do not personally know them), then you should definitely have something to say, or you have something that you can share about how you have helped people who do have concerns.

If you feel that none of those issues affect you, then you are among a small percentage of the world.  And, if that is the case, then we would definitely appreciate your thoughts about why none of those issues affect you.

On the topic of "EQUALITY"

Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.

Equality steps into the zones of fairness, equal rights, equal opportunities, impartiality, evenhandedness, and justice.

If you feel that you are privileged, meaning that you have special rights, advantages, or immunities, then good for you!  Who  have you helped?

Here is a link to where you can go to SEE who the 250 richest people in the world are . . .

In all fairness to the 250 people in the world on the list, they may have helped thousands of people and done great things for others.  It is worth looking into.  Maybe they can help you.  Maybe they can teach you how to be just like them.  Maybe.

Back to the topic of equality . . .

Is it fair for a handicapped person not to have access to public restrooms or public facilities?  Should there not be handicapped accessibility and compliance with accessibility guidelines?

What about deaf individuals?  Shouldn't a deaf person be able to hear television broadcasts and radio broadcasts?  Shouldn't there be plenty of schools for the deaf and hard of earing?  When there are events, shouldn't there be someone there who can sign?  Are there Sign Language classes in your child's school?

Here's something to think about:  If you are not handicapped, deaf, or hard of hearing do you even think about others who are?  Are you concerned when you take up a handicapped parking space or use a handicapped restroom?  Or better yet, that there is not a handicapped accessible bathroom for a handicapped person to use in the public restroom that you step into?  Do you have any concern for others who can not hear what you hear at events when speakers are talking?

What about healthcare . . .

There are people who can not afford their medicine.  There are also people who do not have access to proper healthcare facilities and doctors.  Do you care?

Take a moment to look at the following statistics, and take time to research healthcare where you live . . .

Here is another interesting survey that was done concerning Healthcare Costs and access among adults age 65 or older that was done in 2014... 

While there are plenty of issues to talk about, please take a moment to attempt to be open-minded about the welfare of others.  Take time to listen to the concerns of your friends and those you come in contact with.  Sometimes it is not just about YOU.

Until our next Blog Session . . .

Peace, Love & Light

By René Allen

©Copyright - René Allen - 2014-2017 - All Rights Reserved

Friday, September 29, 2017

RACE ~ Gender ~ EQUALITY ~ Justice PART II

RACE ~ Gender ~ EQUALITY ~ Justice


September 29th, 2107

Good Afternoon Blog Readers, Followers & Visitors ~ We are back to continue our discussion about RACE ~ Gender ~ EQUALITY ~ Justice . . .

Today, we are going to go into one specific issue that came to light from the protest involving not standing during the National Anthem of the United States of America initiated by Colin Kaepernick.  On August 29th, 2016, 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick explained why he is refusing to stand during the National anthem.   Rather than me explain his viewpoint, I'll let you hear it directly from him...

Colin Kaepernick explains why he won't stand during National Anthem

Colin Kaepernick's stance took off and struck chords with others ~ those part of the NFL, other professional athletes, concerned individuals, celebrities, Leaders of the community, News Anchors, Talk Show Hosts, and men and women like yourself.

Harry Belafonte gave his views about the Kaepernick's stance in a televised interview with TV One show host Roland Martin.  Please take a moment to view the clip . . .

OMG!!!WTF!!! - Harry Belafonte speaks on Colin Kaepernick's PROTEST

On Steve Harvey's Morning Show, Steve Harvey spoke about Kaepernick's stance.  Take a listen . . .

Steve Harvey Speaks: Colin Kaepernick and the National Anthem Protest

In a Presidential Town Hall Meeting (published last year ~ September 28, 2016) in Fort Lee, Virginia, President Barack Obama spoke on Kaepernick's stance.  President Barack Obama said at a CNN Presidential Town Hall Meeting that he respected Colin Kaepernick's decision not to stand during the National Anthem.  Please take a moment to listen in . . .

Here is another take on Kaepernick's stance...What did  former NFL football player Charles Woodson have to say about Kaepernick's stance?  [ESPN Sunday NFL Countdown] ~ Shown on Jimmy Dore Show with commentary...Please take a listen . . . 

Those clips are placed here in this Blog Session to give you various viewpoints about Kaepernick's stance regarding not standing for the National Anthem.  You are welcome to leave your thoughts here on the Blog in the "Comment's Section" at the bottom of this Blog Session.

Personal Story

Here is a personal story that I'd like to share with everyone about the National Anthem...

When I was in elementary school, we would stand and recite the National Anthem.  Well, one day, when we came into class, one little girl (age 7) ~ a neighbor and friend of mine ~ would not stand up (I will refer to her as "she").  So the teacher told her that she had to stand up.  All the other children in the class looked at her sitting in her seat.  She told the teacher that she would not do it.  The teacher told her that she had to stand like everyone else.  She told the teacher once again, "I will not do it".  So the teacher asked her why she would not stand and recite the National Anthem?  She told the teacher, "Because I am a Native American Indian and I will not do it."  Well, naturally all the heads in the classroom turned from our little friend and turned to look at the teacher.  The teacher was speechless.  So we all said together, "We will not do it either.", and we promptly all sat down.  Expecting to be paddled, we were shocked when the teacher told us, "Well fine.  We will not do it."  We never had to stand to recite the National Anthem, because our teacher was also a Native American Indian.

RACE ~ Gender ~ EQUALITY ~ Justice

Peace, Love & Light

By René Allen

©Copyright - René Allen - 2014-2017 - All Rights Reserved

Thursday, September 28, 2017

RACE ~ Gender ~ EQUALITY ~ Justice

RACE ~ Gender ~ EQUALITY ~ Justice

September 28th, 2017

Good Evening Blog Readers, Followers & Visitors!
We're back here on the Blog to discuss an issue that is difficult, (for some reason), for people to have a candid and honest conversation about.  It is a worldwide issue, and is not limited to the location of where you live.  It is a very important issue for many reasons.

Race, gender, equality and justice ~ What do those terms mean to you?

In order to bring our topic of discussion into view, we are going to dive into a few important incidents that have happened this year.  We will be focusing specifically on the topic of Bad Leadership, which is what our previous Blog Sessions have been about.  You be the judge...

Let's start with the United States and the current President...

Anderson Cooper's Brilliant Reaction To Trump's Statements - EXPOSES His Bad Leadership

What are your thoughts about the above clip?  You are invited to leave your thoughts and comments in our "Comments Section" at the end of this Blog.

Next, we will show you another video clip that will be of interest in relation to our topic of discussion.  Please keep in mind that we are pointing out World Leaders and their viewpoints in addition to their words relayed to the world.  The following clip will start with a commercial ~ please keep viewing...

What about the Hurricanes that took place recently?  How has the response been?  What do people think about the response by Leadership?  Let's take a look at a few clips with input by some known Celebs...

What was the response to President 45 of the United States jumping into NFL Business?  I'd like to point out that reactions by the public at large have been very strong (to put it mildly).  While I personally do not condone vulgar language, everyone needs to be mindful of how they appear when speaking in the public eye -- including in the media, social media, and online.  Strong feelings, sometimes elicit strong language.  Please take a look at this clip for the reactions from NFL Players (caution vulgar language)...

If you are wondering what is all of the uproar about, you are not alone.  There are many more clips, but for now, the question for all Blog Readers is this ~ What are your feelings about Race Relations where you live?

Please note that the video clips are in response to actions/words/media clips/social media posts by the 45th President of the United States.

Journal Notes

Please pull your Journals out and make your notes on today's Blog Session.  You may also leave your comments here on the Blog in the "Comments Section".

Do you think that the responses to what has been said and done by the 45th President of the United States would have been if he did not make it a habit of posting everything he thinks on Twitter?

Do you think it is appropriate for World Leaders to use Social Media to voice their personal opinions when they are responsible for cities, regions, countries and world relations?

~ We'll be back for more on our current topic ~

RACE ~ Gender ~ EQUALITY ~ Justice

Peace, Love & Light

By René Allen

©Copyright - René Allen - 2014-2017 - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Around the World: Dangerous Leaders ~ PART IV ~ Pointing out global dangers

Around the World:

Dangerous Leaders


Pointing out global dangers

September 27th, 2016

Good Morning Blog Readers, Followers & Visitors ~
We are going to talk about what's going on around the world at this time, and we'll be pointing out what could possibly be global dangers as our Blog Session for today progresses.

Please grab your Journal so that you may take notes.  Your notes will also come in handy for your daily diary entries, which we had been discussing in prior Blog Sessions.  Just to point out to everyone ~ it is beneficial to keep a daily diary to gain a clearer understanding of yourself, and the world around you.  This is a time in history that is worthy of your input, your recording in your Journal and/or Diary, and talking about with others.  The issues that concern you are just as important to others, and in many cases people may be unaware of certain events that are happening if they shy away from the Media, News Reports, Radio Reports, and do not engage in vital communication sessions with other individuals about what is going on in the world around them.

Journal Notes

In your Journal, you have notes from our previous sessions which should include your answers to some questions that were raised.  You can view the questions in our previous Blog Session by scrolling down after reading today's Session, or by clicking on the link in the far right-hand column of our Blog here entitled, "Around the World: Dangerous Leaders ~ PART III"

All Readers were asked to do a rating, and if you have not yet completed the rating, please mark the answers to the following questions in your Journal...

On a Global Scale ~

How do you rate the risk of a crisis happening?

What type of global issues do you foresee?

Are you concerned with global issues?

What is the quality of your water supply?

What is the quality of the air you breathe?

What is the quality of the food supply?

What is the state of your local economy?

Please write your answers in your Journal or Diary.

We are going to discuss a few important issues today that affect a great number of people.  You will have your own thoughts about the issues listed, and we would definitely like to hear what you think.  You may also have issues that you can share with us that affect others that are not listed here today.  Feel free to use the "Comments Section" at the bottom of our Blog to leave your thoughts, input and any other pertinent information that you'd like to share with the other Readers of our Blog.

Thinking Prayerfully

Our main purpose here today on the Blog is to point out what is happening around the world, and what we feel may possibly be global dangers.  We also are going to be discussing how our world leaders are stacking up in terms of handling the situations and crisises going on.

Let's start off with what is going on in Puerto Rico.  It has been over a week since Hurricane Maria hit the Island of Puerto.  Do you think that the devastating situation going on in Puerto Rico is being handled efficiently and in a timely manner by government officials?

Hurricane Maria has devastated Puerto Rico and upended the lives of millions of Americans.  The Hurricane has also left billions of dollars in damage that will wreak havoc on the island's economy, according to initial estimates.

AIR Worldwide calculates the financial toll of natural disasters, and predicts the losses in the Caribbean covered by insurance will be between $40 billion and $85 billion.  More than 85% of those losses are in Puerto Rico, the firm stated.  It should be noted that that number does not include damage to property that is not insured, and excludes flood damage covered by the National Flood Insurance Program.

Puerto Rico ~ September 28th, 2017
(Overview of Damage from Hurricane Maria)

In case you did not know, Puerto Rico was in an economic crisis before it was slammed by Hurricane Maria as a Category 4 Storm.  The island remains almost entirely without electricity, and is already in the midst of an 11-year recession.  Puerto Rico filed for the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history back in May 2017.

Is there any Hurricane Relief in sight for Puerto Rico?  What do you say?

Retired Lt. General Honore had much to say about the disaster in Puerto Rico and the response on CNN:  VIEW VIDEO HERE.

In your opinion,  is the United States Administration handling the Puerto Rico disaster appropriately?

Retired Lt. General Russel Honoré speaks about the response by Trump on CNN and the Mayor of Puerto Rico speaks on the issue:  VIEW VIDEO HERE.

What do Seniors think of this generation?

Blog Readers:  Why is NFL Football such a huge issue in the United States?  What are the protests all about? . . .


After you have had a chance to view the News Clips and Articles about the NFL, feel free to leave your thoughts at the bottom of our Blog in the "Comments Section".

On another sad note today, there was a stampede in Mumbai at the train station on a footbridge as people took cover from an unexpected rain shower ~ Unfortunately, 35 have been injured, and 22 are dead.  (Please Note:  Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his "deepest condolences to all those who have lost their lives due to the stampede in Mumbai.") ~ Video Clip of Commuters trying to rescue the trapped and injured - Warning Graphic Images [BBC NEWS]

The news clips, issues, and events discussed today here on the Blog are primarily to give you a short overview of what is going on around the world.  Your thoughts matter.  We'd like to hear what you think, and about any issues going on in your area of the world.

Until our next Blog Session ~ Enjoy your weekend!
RACE ~ Gender ~ EQUALITY ~ Justice
Peace, Love & Light

By René Allen

©Copyright - René Allen - 2014-2017 - All Rights Reserved