Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Balancing Stones Sculpture Writing Project
February - March 2017

We are now back with the continuation of our Balancing Stones Sculpture Writing Project!

In our last Session, we had completed our full Journal page written on our Stone 8 Prep, and we had answered the four questions we were told to work on.  We also printed out the Balancing Stones Sculpture diagram and placed our chosen word for Stone 8 taken from our Journal writing. The word we each chose was the word that jumped out at us from our writing.

We have now had a chance to think about our answers to the four questions we answered and the Stone 8 word that we chose.  With that in mind, we have also taken a look at our Balancing Stones Sculpture diagram with all of our eight Stones in place.  (For those who joined us at Stone 6 or 7, you may just have those two Stones in place, and that is fine, this will work the same for all of us at this point).

We now have one (1) more Stone left to go!  Your last Stone -- Stone 9 could end up anywhere on your Balancing Stones Sculpture diagram, depending upon your choice of placement of your words thus far.

Here comes the FUN part . . .

Here is where you pull out the Writer in you and get ready to be present and focused on this last Stone.

INSTRUCTIONS:  Take all of the words that you have placed on your Balancing Stones Sculpture diagram, including Stone 2 which is the year that your Stone 1 word was first used in the English language.  (For those who joined us in the middle of our Writing Project and did not go back to the beginning to catch up, you may just have one word or two, it is fine, you may just follow along with the same Instructions with the words that you have)...

We will be utilizing all the words at our disposal to come up with our Stone 9.

Here are my words as an example for everyone . . .

The Balancing Stones Sculpture Writing Project
Stones 1 - 8
(My Example)
Stone 1 - Novelist
Stone 2 - 1728
Stone 3 - Opera
Stone 4 -  Novels
Stone 5 - Journal
Stone 6 - Therapy
Stone 7 -  Behavorism
Stone 8 - Radical

Ask the Writer in you a very important question:

What can I write in my Journal utilizing all of the words on my Balancing Stones Sculpture diagram?

You'll have until tomorrow to come back with a full Journal page using all of the words on your Stones.  This is where your creativity has to come into play as a Writer.  If you cannot seem to fill up a full Journal page, then you will need to fill in the story just like an Author, Novelist, Journalist, Script Writer, Film Writer, Playwright or Poet does.  In essence, you must think like the Writer that you are.  I can see the smiles on your faces.

You get the picture loved ones ~ WRITE.

See you tomorrow with your full Journal page!

Peace, Love & Light,


© Copyright - René Allen - FEBRUARY - MARCH 2017 - All Rights Reserved

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Balancing Stones Sculpture Writing Project
February - March 2017

We are back!  Up above you will see the questions you were to think about in relation to the Journal Page that you wrote for our Stone 8 Prep.

In our last meeting here, I shared my full Journal page that I wrote for our Writing Project.  When I went to answer the four (4) questions above, this is what I came up with . . .

1)  What knowledge did you gain?
      I learned a lot about the different types of "Behavorism".  My writing 
        also made me think about the behavior patterns of a Novelist.  In 
        addition, I thought about the various responses to certain stimuli in 
      the environment that the Novelist may have, as well as any 
        consequences of the individual Novelist's history, including    
      especially reinforcement and punishment, together with 
      the individual Novelist's current motivational state and controlling 
      stimuli.  Another area that I thought about was the 
      contributing factors of the Novelist's inheritance traits.  With all of 
      those thoughts, the question that came to mind was how does the 
      above factors affect the specific writing style of the Novelist?
2)  Does your writing inspire you to write further?
     Yes, definitely.  I was inspired to write more after
     completing my full Journal page.
3)  Does your Journal page lead you to other 
     topics of interest?
     Yes, the topics of interest that came to mind were:
      1)  The question of how many Novelists have 
          psychological disorders, and does their 
          writing style exhibit those psychological
      2) How many Novelists write from their 
          past experiences in life to better their 
4)  What is the one word that jumps out at
      you from your writing?
So, as you can see my Stone 8 word is "Radical".  We were to print out our Balancing Stones Sculpture diagram and place our Stone 8 word in the position closest to our Stone 7 word.  Here is the way my Balancing Stones Sculpture print-out now looks . . .

The Balancing Stones Sculpture Writing Project
Stones 1 - 8
(My Example)

Stone 1 - Novelist
Stone 2 - 1728
Stone 3 - Opera
Stone 4 -  Novels
Stone 5 - Journal
Stone 6 - Therapy
Stone 7 -  Behavorism
Stone 8 - Radical 

You should now have your full Journal page written on your Stone 8 Prep; the four questions answered; and your Balancing Stones Sculpture print-out complete with Stones 1 - 8 in place.

Take a little time to think about your answers to the four questions, the Stone 8 word that you chose, and then take a look at the lay-out of your Balancing Stones Sculpture diagram.

We've come a long way!  We have one more Stone left to go, and depending upon your lay-out of your Balancing Stones Sculpture, your last Stone could possibly be anywhere on the Sculpture.

Here is the FUN part . . .

What will be the Instruction that will take us to our last Stone from all that we've completed thus far?

We'll all find out when we come back.  It will require the Writer in you to be present and focused.  See you in our next Session! 

 Peace, Love & Light,


© Copyright - René Allen - FEBRUARY - MARCH 2017 - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Balancing Stones Sculpture Writing Project
February - March 2017

Good Afternoon everyone ~ We are back here to continue with our Writing Project.  We are about to progress to Stone 8.  Everyone should have written a full Journal page to prepare us to come up with our Stone 8 word.  Our Instructions from our last session were as follows...

Stone 8

Previous Instructions:  You were to complete a full Journal page about the Writing Angle you used for your Stone 7 word.  For instance, my Stone 7 word was "Behavorism".  My Writing Angle was Novelist.

You were instructed to connect your Stone 7 word with your Writing Angle.  So, I wrote a full page about the behavorism of a Novelist.  I found it to be a rather interesting thing to do!  Depending upon your Stone 7 word and your Writing Angle, your assignment may have been humorous, or a serious assignment that really made you think deep.

Be sure to label the top of your full Journal page that you have written: (Stone 8 Prep).

Below is my full page Journal example for your reading review (Stone 8 Prep).  After you have read over my example, then we will go right to how we will get to our Stone 8 word and what that will consist of…

(Stone 8 – PREP)

Full Journal Page

Stone 7 Word:  “Behavorism”

Writing Angle:  Novelist

Recognizing that as a Novelist, there is a certain pattern of behavior that most Novelists adhere to – the question that comes to mind is, “What pattern of behavior is it that most Novelists adhere to?”.  Patterns of behavior are normally explained in terms of conditioning without appeal to thoughts or feelings.  Knowing also that psychological disorders are best treated by altering behavior patterns, the next question that comes to mind is, “How many Novelists have psychological disorders?”.

On dealing with the behaviorism of a Novelist, an understanding of the systematic approach comes into play with a regard to human behavior.  All behaviors are either reflexes produced by a response to certain stimuli in the environment, or a consequence of the individual's history, including especially reinforcement and punishment, together with the individual's current motivational state and controlling stimuli. Thus, although behaviorists generally accept the important role of inheritance in determining behavior, they focus primarily on environmental factors.

As behavior relates to a Novelist, the whole topic of “behaviorism” has to be brought to the forefront to consider how the two relate to one another.
Behaviorism combines elements of philosophy, methodology, and psychological theory. It emerged in the late nineteenth century as a reaction to depth psychology and other traditional forms of psychology, which often had difficulty making predictions that could be tested experimentally. The earliest derivatives of Behaviorism can be traced back to the late 1800s where Edward Thorndike pioneered the law of effect (a process that involved strengthening behavior through the use of reinforcement).
During the first half of the twentieth century, John B. Watson devised methodological behaviorism, which rejected introspective methods and sought to understand behavior by only measuring observable behaviors and events. It was not until the 1930s that B. F. Skinner suggested that private events—including thoughts and feelings—should be subjected to the same controlling variables as observable behavior which became the basis for his philosophy called radical behaviorism.  While Watson and Ivan Pavlov investigated the stimulus-response procedures of classical conditioning, Skinner assessed the controlling nature of consequences and also the antecedents (or discriminative stimuli) that signal the behavior; the technique became known as operant conditioning.
The application of radical behaviorism (known as applied behavior analysis) is used in a variety of settings, including, for example, organizational behavior management, to the treatment of mental disorders, such as autism and substance abuse.  In addition, while behaviorism and cognitive schools of psychological thought may not agree theoretically, they have complemented each other in cognitive behavior therapies, which have demonstrated utility in treating certain pathologies, including simple phobias, PTSD, and mood disorders.
While there are many areas of “behaviorism” that can be studied, as it relates to a “Novelist”, there is only one specific area that comes into focus:  1)  Radical behaviorism:  Skinner's behaviorism theorizes that processes within the organism should be acknowledged, particularly the presence of private events (such as thoughts and feelings), and suggests that environmental variables also control these internal events just as they control observable behaviors. Radical behaviorism forms the core philosophy behind behavior analysis.  Willard Van Orman Quine used many of radical behaviorism's ideas in his study of knowledge and language.
By René Allen
©Copyright - René Allen - MARCH 2017 - All Rights Reserved

After you have read my full page Journal example, you have an idea of how to connect your Stone 7 word with your Writing Angle.

In essence, the instruction was for me to connect my Stone 7 word, which is "Behaviorism" with my Writing Angle, which is "Novelist".

Now that you have written your full Journal page and connected your Stone 7 word with your Writing Angle, you need to take a look at what you wrote.

Ask yourself the following:

1)  What knowledge did you gain?

2)  Does your writing inspire you to write further?

3)  Does your Journal page lead you to other topics of interest?

4)  What is the one word that jumps out at you from your writing?

For our Stone 8, you are to use the word that jumps out at you from the full journal page that you wrote.

Take a moment to print out the Balancing Stones Sculpture and place your word for your Stone 8 in the position closest to your Stone 7.

Think about the word that you chose for your Stone 8.  Think about the word in relation to the Writing Angle that you have been using to write your Journal pages thus far.  We've only written two (about Stone 6 and Stone 7).  Next, we will come back here for the next Instruction.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them on the Blog.  I will be sharing the feed-back received in our next Session (both on G+ and on the Blog).

 See you back here shortly!

 Peace, Love & Light,


© Copyright - René Allen - FEBRUARY - MARCH 2017 - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Balancing Stones Sculpture Writing Project
February - March 2017

Journals - Stone 8

Good Evening everyone ~ We're back for more writing fun in our Journals!

Some of our new participants (both online and off) have been writing away in their Journals.  At the top of this Blog you'll see a decorative Journal for a prime example of how you can be inspired to write by purchasing a Journal that is artistic in nature and joyful to run to when you feel inspired to write.

In our last meeting here, everyone was instructed to complete a full Journal page about their Stone 7 word.

I told everyone that I'd come back to share some of the words that other participants used for their Stone 7.  
Here are just a few examples:

Name                        Stone 7 word      Writing Angle

Norma Miller                 Helium               Sci-Fi Author

Courtney Simmons       Norway              Travel Writer

James Jacson               Flight                  Aero Writer

Kevin Pritchard              Veneer              Design Writer

Now for the next thing that I promised to everyone ...


1.    Know when the Writer in you is ready to pen.
2.    Carry a notepad with you at all times so that you can write down writing ideas as they come to you.
3.    Identify the best method for you to get focused on writing.
4.    Use music if it inspires you to write.
5.    Relax or Meditate before writing.  Ideas will flow better in a state of relaxation versus being stressed about writing or feeling pressured.
6.    Use visuals to stimulate your mind and move your spirit and soul to write.
7.    Read Novels or educational material about the topic that interests you or that you'd like to write about.
8.    Hang around other Writers, Authors, Poets, and Creatives that will inspire you to write.
9.    Participate in a Book Club online or at a meet-up.  That experience with direct your mind to your writing.
10.  Prepare an Outline of your Writing if that works for you. For some people, this does not work well, but for others it helps to keep their writing thoughts focused.
11.  Read more.  Remember, some of the best Authors and Writers are practiced Readers by nature.
12.  Remember, the details of writing include the ability to form phrases and transitions that exhibit expert writing skills.  
13.  Have a Traveler's mindset -- meaning observe your surroundings and set your focus on the bigger picture.
14.  Write in new places.  Don't always write in the same spot all the time.  Write by the water.  Write in a Library.  Write on the train or plane.  Write while you are waiting in a Doctor's office or Dental office if you have a long wait.  Write while you are a passenger on a road trip.
15.  Explore different writing genres.  If you are comfortable writing Romance Novels, try writing poetry.  If you like writing Sci-Fi, try writing Historical Fiction.  Try your hand at a Memoir.
16.  Write from your heart.  The best in you comes out when you write from the heart.
17.  Write about what you are passionate about.
18.  Write about a life experience you've had.
19.  Create characters with backgrounds if you aspire to be a Novelist, Playwrite or Script Writer.
20.  And, definitely write in a Journal or Diary for your "self" and about your "self".  Writing in a Journal or Diary will not only help your writing nature come out, it will also tell you a lot about your "self".  You will find out more about the stuff you are made of.  Writing in a Journal or Diary will help you to see your likes, dislikes, mistakes, failures, successes and heart's desires -- just to name a few eye-opening things that Journaling and keeping a Diary will do for you.

If you have completed your Journal page on your Stone 7 word, then you are ready for our next step . . .

Stone 8

INSTRUCTIONS:  In your Journal write one full page about the Writing Angle you used for your Stone 7 word.  For instance, my Stone 7 word was "Behavorism".  My Writing Angle was Novelist.  Connect your Stone 7 word with your Writing Angle.  So, I will be writing a full page about the behavorism of a Novelist.  Interesting thing to do!  Depending upon your Stone 7 word and your Writing Angle, it may be a humorous assignment, or a serious assignment that will really make you think deep.

When we come back, we'll go right to how we will get to our Stone 8 word and what that will consist of.  We'll also have a lot of fun in the process of writing our full Journal page with the instructions given above.  Just take a look at the Stone 7 words that some of the participants that I shared at the beginning of this Blog post came up with and their Writing Angles, and you'll see how much fun this will be for everyone, including YOU!

Happy Journaling Writers!

Peace, Love & Light,


© Copyright - René Allen - FEBRUARY - MARCH 2017 - All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 20, 2017

The Balancing Stones Sculpture Writing Project
February - March 2017

We are now back from our Break . . .

Everyone should have pulled out the following Writing Tools during our Break...

1)  Journal
2)  Full Journal page writing about Stone 6
3)  Full Journal page writing about Stone 7
4)  Balancing Stones Sculpture Print-out

All Writing Project participants should have written a full Journal page about their Stone 7 word, and placed their Stone 7 word on their Balancing Stones Sculpture print-out.  This includes all of our new participants that just joined us.

As promised, I told everyone that I would come back here after break with my Stone 7 full Journal Page example on my word, which is "Behavorism".  My angle that I am writing from is that of a Novelist.  My full Journal page example is written like a page out of a Novel (See example below)...


Stone 7 word:  “Behavorism”

Writing Angle:  Novelist

Journal Entry…

Sandra had begun her class that she had signed up for, which was “therapy of the soul”.  Her mission was to get something out of the class to change her mental and spiritual framing.

During her class session, she kept the thought about the brain and its relationship to behavior.  She knew that the brain processes had an impact on both behavior and psychological functioning.  Her classmate Cynthia, seemed to have an obsession about normal and abnormal behavior, which is the reason why she felt she needed to take the class – basically for therapy of her soul.  Her family was abnormal in her mind.  They did not do the things normal people did.

The more they spoke to each other on breaks during the class session, the more Sandra thought that Cynthia needed to focus in on the area of behaviorism.  When asked to explain what “behaviorism” was to her new friend, she told Cynthia that behaviorism was the theory that human and animal behavior can be explained in terms of conditioning, without appeal to thoughts or feelings, and that psychological disorders are best treated by altering behavior patterns.

Her explanation peaked Cynthia’s interest in relation to her family.  When Cynthia asked Sandra to tell her more about behaviorism, she kindly obliged.

“You see, Cynthia behaviorism is a systematic approach to the understanding of human and animal behavior, and assumes that all behaviors are either reflexes produced by a response to certain stimuli in the environment, or a consequence of that individual’s history, including reinforcement and punishment.”  Sandra waited on her friend’s response to the information she had given her.

“That is interesting.  Tell me a little more.”  Cynthia told Sandra.

Sandra leaned back in her chair a little and proceeded, “An individual’s current motivational state and controlling stimuli make a huge difference in their behavior.  Although Behaviorists generally accept the important role of inheritance in determining behavior, they focus primarily on environmental factors.”

“Really?”  Cynthia’s wheels were turning in her head.  She thought for a moment, then asked Sandra the question that was on her mind, “Do you think I may have inherited my horrible behavior traits, or do you think my behavior is due to my bad environment?”

Before responding to her new friend, she thought for a moment because she did not want to hurt her feelings.  In her mind she thought that from what Cynthia had told her that she had a bad environment, and that she had definitely inherited some undesirable behavior traits.  So she paused.

By René Allen
©Copyright - René Allen - MARCH 2017 - All Rights Reserved

Everyone should now have a complete full Journal Page written on the topic of their Stone 7 word coming from the angle of the Writer of your choice (Novelist, Author, Poet, Script Writer, Film Writer, Journalist, News Reporter, etc).

Please post your comments on your Stone 7 word if you like.  I will be back with examples from participants of their Stone 7 word choices, and any comments or questions received about our Writing Project.

Our next meeting here will consist of further information on our next step as we progress to Stone 8 and insight for Writers.

Get your Journals ready!

Peace, Love & Light,


© Copyright - René Allen - FEBRUARY - MARCH 2017 - All Rights Reserved