Monday, October 10, 2016

  EYE ON...

Once Upon a Time in the year 2016...

by René Allen


Get ready for Epic times ahead with all of the wonderful NaNoWriMo Authors, aspiring authors, writers, and poets gearing up for National Novel Writing Month that will take place online next month in November 2016! ~ Love, love, love it!  If you've never done so before, you must try writing for a month straight so that you can find out what you're made of.  I've participated for many years writing online for National Novel Writing Month (affectionately known as, "NaNoWriMo").  I started my adventure with Writing a Novel in a month during NaNoWriMo simply because a good online writing friend of mine urged me to do so many years ago (Jen~bless your Writer's heart) -- and I've been participating ever since....

      When I first heard of NaNoWriMo, (thanks to my friend Jen), I said to myself, (and out loud),  "what in the world is that about?" ... and, "what kind of name is that?" -- then I patiently listened as Jen explained why she enjoyed participating in this month-long writing phenomenon.  You'll really enjoy meeting other Authors & Writers (both online and in person) -- depending upon the area in which you live, you can meet up with other NaNoWriMo participants at Writing Events in your area.

      If you love writing, and/or are an aspiring author, do participate, because you'll also receive advice about your literary creation as you're working on it; you'll get plenty of tips if you seek them; you'll be able to obtain pep talks; you'll be able to join in on the Forums online inside the Site; and you'll also enjoy plenty of helpful support.  And don't forget to check in here on my Blog, because I'll be writing about my NaNoWriMo prep during the month of October 2016 ~ and I'll continue writing about pulling my Novel together by clicking the keys on the keyboard, as well as letting all Blog Readers know what is happening with my Word Count during the month of November 2016.

      Here's the good thing about striving to reach a goal that involves writing a Novel in a month's time -- it means you'll have to FOCUS.  Whenever you focus on the story (or stories) that live inside of you, then you open the pathway that leads to the birthing process.  And, my oh my, what a beautiful baby you'll make!

      If you plan to participate in National Novel Writing Month this year, don't think too hard about what you are going to create.  In fact, try to remember that focusing and thinking are two different things altogether.

Here ~ Let me help you, start now by going out and getting yourself a Journal.  If you already have a few nice Journals at home with dust on them, wipe them off, and open them up ...

      Of course, if you have a Journal with something written in it, you may have just found the makings of your November 2016 Novel!

         Otherwise, do purchase a nice new Journal.  When you first open up your Journal, there will be blank pages.  The Journal then begins to take on a life of its own once you focus on putting your pen to the paper.  Notice that I did not tell you to think about what you were going to write.  Simply FOCUS on putting your pen to the paper.  Let your hand do what it does best ~ WRITE...

      Once upon a time in the year 2016, you never would have found so many beautiful and gifted people writing Novels in a month's time online.  Well, we are about to step into November 2016, and together we've got our EYE on National Novel Writing Month...

See YOU there!


Writer's Insightful Tip for OCTOBER 2016:


If you stop and place your hands on a keyboard and create a story that makes you do a double-take because of the power of the words you've written; and if your story causes your emotions to stir, and your eyes start to blink and your eyebrows raise in amazement, then I suggest that you cherish the "gift", because YOU are a Writer!

Peace, Love & Light,



Friends:  You'll find more about my experiences with NaNoWriMo here on my Blog.  If you are not yet "Following" my Blog, you're invited to do so by clicking on the "Follow" button.  Do make yourself at home here, feel free to comment and ask questions, and by all means, take the time to cruise around my Blog so that you may check out all of my Blog posts.  Feel free to share my Blog posts by Email to your Friends who are participating in NaNoWriMo this year.  And, if you are on Google, don't forget to hit the G+ button at the top of my Blog!

Today is Monday, October 10th, 2016

Are you ready to write?

You're going to write what has been patiently waiting for you to pick up your pen.  It may even be faster for you to get to writing if you would simply sit yourself down at the desk and place your hands on the keyboard.

Don't try to figure out what you want to write, or how you want it to flow ~ just start writing.  Just create a character and make the character start doing something.  Then put that character in a scene, and describe the scene clearly so that anyone reading the scene can feel it and see themselves there.  Alright, now we're getting somewhere -- we have a character somewhere doing something.  Now, just keep going -- let the character stay busy doing things and meeting people.  As your character's life blooms, you'll find other characters coming aboard filling up your paper with their activities and friends, foes, and family members.

If that helps, good!

However, some Writers need to take another direction ~ like just start putting the thoughts in your head on paper.  Start out with how you are feeling.  Then, maybe you can start talking about why you feel the way you do.  This is called the "therapeutic" writing method.  It's all about getting a therapeutic result from your writing practice that helps you, as well as the Reader.

I'll tell you a little secret, just in case you've forgotten, everybody has a moment where they feel "stuck", or "frozen", or "tired", or "weary", or "disgusted", or "apathetic"...of course, I could go on and on listing various emotions and feelings that are momentary in everyone's life, but WHY?  We don't have time for that.

Alright, ready?
What is your character's name?  How old are they?  Describe the way they look --
What kind of a personality do they have?  Are they quiet?  Are they loud?  Are they stiff?  Are they rather obnoxious?  Are they at home, at work, at a friend's house, or out enjoying themselves doing something they love?

Think about someone you know, then take their personality and give them another name.  This is now the start of your Fictional Novel where the names are changed to protect the innocent. 

Maybe you need a bit of motivation.  It is possible to be inspired just by taking a moment to ask yourself what is it that you'd like to write about that would make you smile?  Maybe your fictional character will give you something to smile about.  You'd be able to really laugh, because no one would know who you are talking about if you change the names.  Everyone you write about can be people you know, but give them different names.  Actually this is really helpful if you want to take everyone in your life and give them therapy on paper.  You may even find a solution to a relationship problem this way.

OK, time for a REVIEW from many a Blog post ago . . .

You see, either you want to write something amazing, or not. Even if you just decide to sit down and jot down your thoughts for today, that would be better than just staring into space, or letting words twirl around in your brain like a hurricane without ever making a note of those magnificent words.  And, after all, many a genius Novelist created something from a scribbled line on a sheet of paper while sitting and drinking coffee in the middle of doing something off the beaten path.

Every now and then, you'll reach up and grab a snippet from a flash thought that comes barging into your mind.  Or you may catch a glimpse of inspiration while you are simply living life and going about your business.  You know, like the time you heard someone saying something so funny that it just slammed into the middle of one of your oh so-serious moments, and made you realize that it's really not that serious.  [You might want to write down the funny moments of life as a reminder to you on the days when you forget how it feels to laugh].  Just imagine how many people might want to read some of your funny moments.

If you like writing, it really isn't that hard to get going.  If you yearn to write, you will feel the nudge of the "gift of writing" every moment of every day, when you aren't clicking keys or writing in Journals or scribbling down thoughts on various pads of paper.

Here is my advice to you for today...

Go back into the catacombs of your mind, and remember, once upon a time, you had a dream -- you would write.  You even told your friends about your dream of being an Author.  You had coffee and chats about your destined writing career.  And, more importantly, there is something within you that yearns to be put on paper right now.  So, my friend...

            Just Write.....

Peace, Love & Light,

By René Allen

© Copyright - René Allen - 2016 - All Rights Reserved