Thursday, August 31, 2017

Soul Travels of a Diary Writer ~ Step Nine ~ "How to get untangled"

August 31st, 2017

Welcome back Blog Readers, Diary Writers, Followers & Visitors ~ We are here for our next Blog Session . . .

Soul Travels of a Diary Writer

Step Nine

"How to get untangled"

We've got a lot to discuss today.  If you were here for our last Blog Session, welcome back!

In our last Blog Session we discussed entanglements.  Now is the time to get your Journals out.  Inside your Journal you should have notes from our last Session.  We have all taken the time to write down in our Journals the answers to the following questions:

What do you consider to be an entanglement in your life right now?


As an Overview:

For the purposes of this Blog Session, remember an entanglement is anything in your life that acts as a barrier, distraction, irritation, annoyance, hindrance, complication, aggravation, or diversion from your personal goals.

Everyone following along will have a different number of entanglements listed that are specific to you.  Those entanglements that you have listed should be broken down by the various areas of your life, such as:








PAST  CONNECTIONS (people, places, things)



Next, you should have listed in your Journal all of the superfluous items that may serve as an entanglement in your life such as:

1)  Long phone calls

2)  Excessive internet usage ~ i.e., looking at Emails,
      videos, reports, etc.

3)  Gossip

4)  Excessive Shopping

5)  Disorganization

6)  Excessive Meetings

7)  Noise and busy activity

8)  Excessive television watching

9)  Any other associations that take up excessive
      amounts of your time

Key Point to Remember:  Your time is a valuable commodity.

Your Time

Next on your list should be the breakdown of how you typically use your time.  You should have listed all of the items in your life where you spend most of your time.


1)  Work

2)  Children

3)  Elder Care

4)  Business

5)  Hobbies

6)  Organizations/Associations

7)  Health Care

8)  Driving

9)  Enjoyment and/or extracurricular activities

With all of those items being listed in your Journal, you are now ready for Step Nine:   "How to get untangled".

"How to get untangled"

There are several things that you should keep in mind if you seek to untangle yourself from all of the entanglements that you have listed in your Journal.

First, consider that some of the items on your list will seem impossible to untangle yourself from.  Lets say that you have listed your work schedule as one of your entanglements, which stresses you out because you find yourself being unable to do some of the things in your life that you are either responsible for, or that you enjoy.  Such as going to your child's parent-teacher conferences or school events.  You may enjoy playing Bridge, but are unable to meet up with the Bridge Club because your work schedule does not permit you to do so on the day of the Bridge meeting.

In the case of important functions that you need to be at like your child's parent-teacher conferences or school events, you should be able to work that out with your Manager or Director.  If your Manager or Director is unreasonable, then you may need to do something about that particular issue.  If the problem is that you don't speak up for yourself, then you need to learn how to do so.

In many cases, the entanglements in your life are a direct result of your inability to speak up for yourself; make correct choices; or be disciplined in your actions with regard to your responsibilities and your life in general.

For the items on your list that relate to your enjoyment or extracurricular activities, you will have to find a way to schedule in those things that you enjoy in order to balance your life.  If you find that you never seem to be able to take a vacation, it is because you have not made taking a vacation a priority for yourself.

Please make a note in your Journal that there is no reason to deprive yourself of "Joy".

Getting untangled is easier than you may think.  Part of the problem for most people when it comes to entanglements is their "thinking".

An assessment of the way that you are thinking about various areas of your life can clearly be seen when you keep a daily diary.

Your Diary

When you make it a point to write in your Diary on a daily basis, you will find that there are many things in your life that are easily discovered when you have written down your daily interactions, activities, feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

You will find that there are people in your life that are a treasure to you.  While there are others that serve as entanglements.

Weeding out the people in your life that cause you harm in any way is easier when you can clearly see their track record in your Diary.  People who disrespect your feelings, are unkind, abusive verbally, physically, emotionally or mentally have to go.  It is also safe to say that it would be wise to keep your distance from jealous, envious, spiteful, or hateful people.

Guarding your spirit is important.  Growing spiritually is also essential to your well being.

If you do not take time to reflect on your life activities, make it a point to focus on what is going on in your life by writing in your Diary on a daily basis, and then returning to re-read what you have written on a weekly basis.

Be sure that you express your emotions, feelings, hurts, joys, desires, wishes, dreams, goals, long-term as well as short-term plans in your Diary.

Also, make it a point of making notations in your Diary about what is going on in the world on a monthly basis.  City, County, Country, and Worldwide events that are of importance should be noted in your diary.  Events serve as mental reminders of certain points in time in your life.  You may or may not remember what you did on your Birthday last year, but chances are that you will remember your Birthday each year clearly when you make a note of what happens on your Birthday each year in your Diary, and take photos or record video of the events and activities in relation to your Birthday.

I'll leave you with a very special image of a unique Diary that Journalists and History Lovers will definitely enjoy, and you will too! . . . 


With a specialized Diary, you will be able to pinpoint exactly what you are interested in keeping a record of.

The events of History are recorded in Newspaper Headlines.  Having a Diary that points out what those Headlines are is perfect for History Buffs and those who like to remember their life events, as well as local and/or world events.

There are events in your life that serve as markers for turning points in your life.  Disasters such as floods, fires, earthquakes, and/or wars re-direct many lives in many ways.  The Diary of Anne Frank is one such example of a Diary that marks a turning point in history.

Your Diary could very well serve as an International literary work of achievement that millions of people will be reading well past the length of your life.  So, as you write in your Diary, treat it as a treasure, because it is.

We'll be back here for our next Blog Session with more tips to help you with your daily diary entries.


Soul Travels of a Diary Writer

Step Ten

"Putting the thoughts in your head in your Diary"  
Until our next Blog Session dear Friends ~

Peace, Love & Light,

By René Allen

© Copyright - René Allen - 2014 - 2017 - All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Soul Travels of a Diary Writer ~ Step Eight ~ Entanglements to avoid

Soul Travels of a Diary Writer

Step Eight

Entanglements to avoid

August 30th, 2017

Good Evening Diary Writers, Blog Readers, Followers & Visitors ~ We are back for a continuation of our Blog Sessions on daily diary writing tips for all of the Authors, Artists, Poets, Designers, Photographers, Travelers, Journalists, Creative Writers, and all of the Blog Readers here who are interested in keeping a daily Diary that will be beneficial to your well being.

If you are new to our Blog Sessions, you will need to make sure that you Bookmark this Blog, and if you so choose to receive each Blog Session as it is created, then you can look over in the far right column (under my eyeball), and add your complete email address in the area where it says, "Follow by Email".  Then once you've entered in your email address, then simply click the "Submit" button.  You will then receive each Blog Session in your Email box as soon as it is posted.

For the purpose of taking notes for our Blog Sessions here, you'll also need to have a Journal ready so that when you come here for the Blog Sessions, you will be able to take notes.

Journal Notes

Tonight's Blog Session is going to take us further onward with our "Soul Travels of a Diary Writer".  We are on Step Eight, and our topic tonight is Entanglements to avoid.  The header in your Journal for tonight's Blog Session should be just as you see the header here online or in your Email if you Follow by Email.

You'll also need to have a nice Diary that you will enjoy writing in on a daily basis.  If you would like to expand your mission to learn more about yourself, then you may want to invest in a Five-Year Diary.  You may also want to have several Diaries for the various areas of your life if you'd really like to get creative and dig deeper into your interpersonal understanding of exactly what is going on with your emotions, feelings, and any relation to your focus in terms of your life activities.  The communication that you have with your "self" is vital if you'd like to have a life wherein you are aware of your direction.  And, more importantly, why you are heading in the direction you are heading towards.

Five Year Diary

A Five-Year Diary is beneficial if you have a long term goal of making it your business to stay in touch with what is going on with your life from an insider's point of view.  It will be totally up to you when it comes to the style and design of your Diary.  You may want more space for writing, and in that case, you may want to purchase the type of Diary that has filler paper, or use a loose-leaf binder in addition to your Diary, so that you will have extra space to write.

Diary Filler Paper

Five Year Diary (Inside Pages)

Your Diary is personal to you, and whether you choose a Five Year Diary or a Yearly Diary is totally up to you.  Whatever color, style, design, page size, width, and any other inside beneficial information that you may choose, such as Affirmations, or Scriptures, or daily Devotionals that you may desire, the main thing to consider is what feels comfortable and right for you.

Right now, what we are going to do is take notes on our topic of discussion for tonight . . .

Entanglements to avoid

Blog Readers and Diary Writers, there are various entanglements that need to be avoided if you are going to have a life that is less cumbersome.  Since we are here to focus on daily diary writing tips, we are going to gear our minds this evening on getting clear of any and all entanglements in our lives. 

The first thing you need to ask yourself right now is this:  What do you consider to be an entanglement in your life right now?

For the purposes of this Blog Session, consider an entanglement to be anything in your life that acts as a barrier, distraction, irritation, annoyance, hindrance, complication, aggravation, or diversion from your personal goals.

In your Journal, make a list of all of the entanglements that you can think of.  You can break down your list further into the various areas of your life, such as . . .








PAST  CONNECTIONS (people, places, things)



There are other superfluous items that you may not even think about, but all the same may serve as an entanglement in your life.  Here is a short list of what some of those superfluous items consist of . . .

1)  Long phone calls

2)  Excessive internet usage ~ i.e., looking at Emails,
      videos, reports, etc.

3)  Gossip

4)  Excessive Shopping

5)  Disorganization

6)  Excessive Meetings

7)  Noise and busy activity

8)  Excessive television watching

9)  Any other associations that take up excessive
      amounts of your time

The next thing you need to write down in your Journal tonight is this:  Your time is a valuable commodity.

Now, think for a minute about how you typically use your time.  List the items in your life where you spend most of your time.


1)  Work

2)  Children

3)  Elder Care

4)  Business

5)  Hobbies

6)  Organizations/Associations

7)  Health Care

8)  Driving

9)  Enjoyment and/or extracurricular activities

Now that you have some items to work on this evening and tomorrow, when you come back to the next Blog Session, we'll move forward with "How to get untangled".


Soul Travels of a Diary Writer
Until our next Blog Session dear Friends ~

Peace, Love & Light,

By René Allen

© Copyright - René Allen - 2014 - 2017 - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Soul Travels of a Diary Writer ~ Step Seven ~ DREAMS

Soul Travels of a Diary Writer

 ~ Step Seven ~


August 29th, 2017

Welcome back Blog Readers, Followers, Diary Writers, Dreamers & Visitors ~ We're back for another wonderful Blog Session that you will thoroughly enjoy!

If you are new here to our Blog Sessions, you'll want to Bookmark this Blog now, and look over in the far right-hand column where it says, "Follow by Email", then enter your email address and click the "Submit" button so that you will receive all of the Blog Sessions in your email box as they are posted.

The other item that you will need is a Journal so that you may take notes when you come here for our Blog Sessions.

Of course, we are discussing the benefits of writing daily diary entries, so you will also need to purchase a Diary if you do not have one yet.  You can get a one-year Diary or a Five-Year Diary, whichever Diary you are attracted to.  Most of us have a Diary with a lock & key.

For those of you who are here for the first time, if you do not yet have your Journal to take notes, simply pull out a Notebook, Notepad, or loose leaf paper to take notes for today.

Journal Notes

Our Blog Session for today is about DREAMS.  We all have dreams, whether they are waking dreams, or dreams while we sleep at night.  The important Journal notation for today is this . . .

"Believe in your dreams"

For today, take a few moments to turn your focus within and become still.

If you have dreams when you go to sleep at night, and awake to remember in detail what your dream consisted of, then you would do well to purchase a Dream Diary.

Dream Diary

The other important item that you should pick up is a Dream Dictionary.  Your Dream Dictionary will assist you with finding out the meaning of your dreams, as well as help you to learn to understand the meaning of all of the dream symbols that are in your dreams.

Dream Dictionary

If you have vivid dreams on a regular basis, your Diary will be a very important tool that will aid you in further understanding exactly what is going on in your life, as well as help you with your direction in life.

If you rarely have dreams, then keeping a Diary will prompt you to make a note of each occasion when you do have a dream.  Once you begin to make notes of your Dreams in your Diary, you will find that your dreams will increase.  What you focus on, you will attract more of.

For those Readers here today who are interested in discovering more about your dreams, as well as more in depth information about yourself, then please make a note of the following . . .

Diary ~ Dream Section

Be sure to carve out an area in your Diary for your dream notations.  If you take a look at the above example, you will find a space to write the title of your Dream, the "Feeling upon waking" that you had after dreaming, a space for "Personal Dream Meaning" which is exclusive to your own personal interpretation after you have written down your dream and thought about all of the factors associated with your dream.  The other area is the "Dream Date" where you make a note of the day, month, year, and time upon waking.  The other area is a space for all of your "Dream Details".  The dream details involved in your dream will prove to be very valuable -- like the colours in your dream, the season, weather, places seen in your dream, people in your dream, and the words spoken.  In addition, you should have a space for "Dream Symbols".  When we dream, we will sometimes run across dream symbolism that we may not immediately understand.  Although the dream symbols in our dream may seem odd or incoherent, you must write those symbols down anyway.  You will learn to understand dream symbols by associating yourself with their possible meaning.  The way to do that is to use your Dream Dictionary or a book of Dream Interpretations or Symbols.

Dreams are interpretations of our inclinations,
and there is an art to understanding them.
~ Michel DeMontaigne ~

Some of our Blog Readers following along with us today may be more versed in their dreams.  There are also other tools to help you with understanding your dreams outside of the books suggested.  You may find dream meanings online by checking out the following Sites . . .

If you want to know what's in YOUR dream, check out...

For dream interpretations, check out...

There are also many other sources of information on dreams.  You can do your research on dreams in the Library or online.

One way to really break down your dreams is as follows...

Dreamer's Analysis

The first column is for your Dream's Symbols.  Take a moment to just check out the list in the first column of the dream symbols.  In the second column, you'll see the heading "Context of Life"  where you would list in what relation the dream symbol has to an area in your life.  The third column is the space where you would write down the "Meaning" of the dream symbol in the first column.  The last column is entitled, "Contextual Meaning" ~ this is where you will add further meaning to your dream symbol listed in your first column, and the "Context of Life" meaning you have listed in your second column, and the "Meaning" you have listed in your third column.

Your personal Dreamer's Analysis can be tailored in any way that you choose.  Whatever works best for you is exactly how you should map out your Dreamer's Analysis.

We'll leave off today with the following quote written by a famous Artist . . .

Meaningful Quote by Artist Vincent van Gogh


Soul Travels of a Diary Writer

Step Eight

Entanglements to avoid

Until our next Blog Session dear Friends ~

Peace, Love & Light,

By René Allen

© Copyright - René Allen - 2014 - 2017 - All Rights Reserved