Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Today is Tuesday, December 29th, 2015

Are you ready to write?

I hope so, because this is an inbetwixt day for you.  You haven't quite stepped into the year 2016, but you're almost there -- believe it or not.  And, just so you know, you probably just happened to land here on this Blog today because you need to be motivated, inspired, or shaken up slightly (take your pick)...

You see, either you want to write something amazing, or not.
Even if you just decide to sit down and jot down your thoughts for today, that would be better than just staring into space, or letting words twirl around in your brain without ever making a note of those magnificent words.  And, after all, many a genius Novelist created something from a scribbled line on a sheet of paper while sitting and drinking coffee in the middle of doing something off the beaten path.

Every now and then, you'll reach up and grab a snippet from a flash thought that comes barging into your mind.  Or you may catch a glimpse of inspiration while you are simply living life and going about your business.  You know, like the time you heard someone saying something so funny that it just slammed into the middle of one of your oh so-serious moments, and made you realize that it's really not that serious.  [You might want to write down the funny moments of life as a reminder to you on the days when you forget how it feels to laugh].  Just imagine how many people might want to read some of your funny moments.

If you like writing, it really isn't that hard to get going.  If you yearn to write, you will feel the nudge of the "gift of writing" every moment of every day, when you aren't clicking keys or writing in Journals or scribbling down thoughts on various pads of paper.

Here is my advice to you for today...

Go back into the catacombs of your mind, and remember, once upon a time, you had a dream -- you would write. And, more importantly, there is something within you that yearns to be put on paper right now.  So, my friend...

            Just Write.....

Peace, Love & Light,

By René Allen

© Copyright - René Allen - 2015 - 2016 - All Rights Reserved

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