Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Camp NaNoWriMo ~ I started writing!

April 4th, 2018

Good Afternoon Writers, Authors, Poets, Artists, Blog Readers, Followers, New Members to our Blog, and Visitors!

If you have just recently joined us this month to learn more about Camp NaNoWriMo ~ Welcome!  If you are a Writer, Author, emerging author, Poet, or interested in meeting other Writers and learning more about publishing your book, you are in the right place!

For those of you who are working on a writing project, or who have new book ideas that you'd like to get accomplished this year, the month of April is a good time to start working on what you'd like to see come to fruition.  Remember, Spring is the season when everything blooms and the air is fresh...and so is your mind!

"To be a good writer, an honest writer,
and a writer who actually writes,
it's important to reevaluate one's inhibitions."
~ Byran Hutchinson ~
From "Writer's Doubt" the book.

One thing about writing ~ You'll write your first Novel, and you'll wonder why you haven't written more.  You'll also find that writing is constantly on your mind.

Writing comes naturally to the destined Author!

Like those of you here who like to write poetry, you know how you sometimes grab a piece of paper to jot down the lines or thoughts that run through your mind during the day that make for a good poem?  It is the same for Writers, Authors and Novelists that love writing books.  It pays to also have a tape recorder or a smartphone that you can record your writing notes on.  Many a time you think you will not forget the thought that runs through your mind ~ and many a time you've been mistaken.  Be safe ~ write down your thoughts or record them for your next poem, book, play, song, film, documentary, speech, or any other literary work that you are working on.

Some of our friends here who have been following our Blog for a few years are already familiar with Camp NaNoWriMo ~ which is an offspring of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) ~ wherein Writers get together each year during the month of November and write a Novel or a Writing Project in 30 (thirty) days.  To learn more about the site where Writers get online to work on their Novels in 30 days, click on the NaNoWriMo link above.  If you have not yet participated during the month of November, now is a good time to sign up and review the Site for this year's November Writing frenzy online.

Review the Site and be ready when
November 2018 rolls around.

For those who have never written a Novel ~ a Novel constitutes about fifty-thousand (50,000) words or more.  If this seems like a lot to you, (if you have never written that many words before), it really isn't.  Once you do it the first time, it is a breeze to do so again, and again, and again!  You'll never know how it feels to write a Novel if you never try to write one of your own.

Books are exciting reads ~ especially when you are the Author.  
Fear not Author!

For today, just make sure that you sign up to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo, and fill out all of the necessary items that we discussed yesterday...

1)  Complete your Profile;
2)  Create your writing project (book title or project title);
3)  Select your Cabin preference;
4)  Review all the areas of the Site; and
5)  Don't forget to check your campnonowrimo mailbox once
      you've signed up!

If you've already starting writing and are working on your Novel or Writing Project ~ Good for you!  Be sure to set a daily goal of how many words you'd like to accomplish.  Check in with your Cabin mates if you are in a Cabin with others.  Also check out the Camp NaNo Forums by clicking on this link.

We'll be back here tomorrow with more information for you, so be sure to check in.  You can also sign up to follow our Blog by email (if you have not done so already), by looking over in the far right-hand column under my eyeball to enter in your email address then click the "Submit" button, and you will receive each of our Blog Sessions as soon as they are published.

Get excited Authors ~ this is going to be a lot of FUN!
Don't be scared ~ you can do it!
Peace, Love & Light

By René Allen

©Copyright - René Allen - 2014-2018 - All Rights Reserved

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