Saturday, April 4, 2015



Once Upon a Time...

by René Allen

     Once upon a time there were typewriters, REAL typewriters.  Think back...Remember when you had to exert pressure, and press really, really hard to make the keys hit the paper?  (Some of our young Writers and Authors may not remember that, and that is okay -- just pretend).  Let us compare that to times when we have to think really, really hard to make the words come out of our souls in just the right sequence for our perfect Novels.  Ah, now I must rest a second, because this month you'll hear stories from me about pulling the words out of my soul and laying them down on this Blog just for you.  There is no better way to spring into action with our writings than to have company that knows how to press really, really hard when there is a delay with flowing words.  Imagine the fun we'll have together!

Smile, and get ready, 

René Allen

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