Monday, July 3, 2017



July 2017

So you'd like to learn how to write a Novel in a month, and live to tell about it?

Alright, let's start our discussion for today since we are all working on Writing Projects such as Novels, Memoirs, Poetry Books, Films, and other Creative Writing Projects.  And, if you are not doing any of the above, then you probably have something that you can contribute here in the comments section by sharing what you are working on.  If you are not working on a Writing Project of any kind, why not try your hand at writing a Novel in 31 days?

For everyone who has been following along in our Blog Sessions, we're putting our hand to the keys to create Novels and other Writing Projects in 31 days online in Camp NaNoWriMo.

It's fun writing a Novel.  You'll learn a great deal by doing so.  Everyone has their own writing style, and you'll have to be open to learning along the way.

Here's what I've done so far on Camp NaNoWriMo...

1.  Signed in
2.  Added my camper info
3.  Added my writing project for the month of July
4.  Placed my Book Cover in the appropriate spot
5.  Added in a short synopsis for now
6.  Placed my Character Descriptions and backdrop to my Novel into the word count online.

Here's what I'll do next...
1.  Work on my Introduction
2.  Work on Chapter One

My Writing Genre for the Novel that I am working on in Camp is Mystery.  The title of my Novel is "And, yet I say ~ I SEE."

As you work on your Character Descriptions, it is a good idea to have a picture of your Characters to help your mind to formulate their description, and to play out their personality traits as you look at their picture and focus on the personality traits that you see in them.

The name of the main character in my Novel is Sage, and here is how Sage looks . . .


Here is a short description of Sage:  Sage ~ Meaning “Wise One” is the main character in this intriguing Novel.  She is about the business of knowing what is going on in her community.  The question for her is, “Does she know the truth?”

This is how I get started with forming a Character.  You may have a totally different approach to forming your Characters.  You may use your friends or the people in your life, and change their names to protect the innocent.

As you write your Novel and continue to work on it, you can always revise, edit, and create it in the way in which your spirit leads you.

Some people work backwards on their Novels.  They may have the ending set in their mind, and they write the ending out, and go back to the beginning and work forward.

Other people may have pieces of their Novel, and they write those pieces out, and fill in as they go along.

Others have the Characters formed in their mind, and they build upon each of the Characters by creating the individual details of their life.  As the Characters interact with one another relationships are formed, scenes and scenarios are created.

You can create your Novel any way you so choose, and that is the beauty of writing.  You do not have to use a particular format or approach.  If you'd like to do so, you may.  You can outline your Novel if that approach works for you.

Here's a good tip for all Writers who are following along . . .

Check out . . .

Blake Snyder’s Beat Sheet

You'll find the Beat Sheet to be very informative.  It is referenced on Camp NaNoWriMo, and the link comes from the Website of Tim Stout, Writer & Editor.  The Beat Sheet is by Blake Snyder, and it comes from his Book, "SAVE THE CAT! - The Last Book On Screenwriting That You'll Ever Need".

RESOURCES:  The Internet is always a great source of information.  Helping you to gather further information on writing your Novel or your other Writing Project is the great and wonderful Internet!

As you work on your Novel, look up any questions you may have by checking the Internet or your trusty cell phone.  Ask Google.  Spend some time in your Neighborhood Library.  And, by all means get involved with Writer's Groups online and in your community.

Be sure to check out the Camp NaNoWriMo Forums to get assistance and answers to your questions.

Make sure you Bookmark this Blog, and "Follow by Email" to keep up with our Blog Sessions.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave your thoughts, input, and suggestions here on the Blog in the comments section at the end of the Blog...

Until tomorrow . . .

Peace, Love & Light,


© Copyright - René Allen - JULY 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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