Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ok Writers ~ Let's use our IMAGINATION . . .

Ok Writers ~ Let's use our IMAGINATION . . .

July 2017

It is a new day, and we are back here on the Blog to do something different. . .

Let's pretend for a minute that you are in your vehicle (choose in your mind what type of vehicle you are riding in). Look at the scene at the top of this Blog, and take a moment to imagine that it is the view set before you as you are riding along ~ breathe ~ breathe in newness of life, and exhale your rusty thoughts.

Now grab your Journal and your ink pen. . .

Writer's Journal Exercise

The first thing you are going to do today "gifted" Writer ~ is to use your imagination.  As you look at the scene set before you at the top of this Blog you are going to notice the scenery.  You are going to look to the left, then to the right, then straight ahead.  This is a Writer's Journal Exercise in mental scene shifting.

Why do I want you to do this?  Because, as a Writer you must learn how to use your imagination to shift the atmosphere around you and make of it what you will.  When you have a scene before you, the question is ~ what do you SEE?

Your Vision is your Imagination

Writers, your vision is your imagination at work.  We can all have the same scene set before us, and each of us here on the Blog will SEE something different.  We will look at what is before us, and we will make of it what we will.  We will do this, because our entire life is made up of scenes and our interpretation of what we see becomes our reactions and actions.

The movement of life is based upon how we flow.  Whenever you decide in your mind to freeze up, become stagnant, or procrastinate, the world just keeps on turning . . .

Some of us will write from a place of open vision.  Others of us will be regimented writers.  What I mean be this is that if you are writing from a place of open vision then you will imagine and create what is not readily seen by others.  When you write from a regimented (very strictly organized or controlled stance), then your writing will reflect the cement you have mentally placed yourself in.

As the world turns, the movement of life is bringing forth new things.  The question is will you be a part of the newness of life or not?

Now let's pick up our pens and get ready to write down what it is that we see from our vehicles in the scene at the top of this Blog.

When you look to the left, you will see a patch of light.  When you look to the right, you will see mountains and a darker sky.  When you look straight ahead (middle of the road, you see both light and dark).  Which side of the road are you driving towards?  Are you going to the left or to the right?  Since the road does not allow for you to drive straight ahead, choose which way you are going to go, and make a note of it in your Journal.

In our last Blog Session we discussed your soul and your brain.  And, if you will remember, we said ~ "your soul is the Novelist, and your brain is the Researcher".

With that in mind, your soul already knows which way you are going to go on the road in the scene at the top of this Blog.  It is your brain that is going to research and decide which genre you will choose after you go to the left or to the right.

Remember, we are Writers.  As you make your decision on which way you are going to go, you will also need to choose a genre, because you are writing a Novel . . .

Will you choose Romance?  Fantasy?  Science Fiction?  Historical Fiction?  Humor?  Travel?  Journalism?  Sports?  Documentary? Fiction?  Comedy?  Drama?  Horror?  Non-Fiction?  Realistic?  Satire?  Tragedy?  Tragicomedy?  Mythology?  Memoir?  Crime/Detective?  Fable?  Legend?  Folklore?  Mystery?  Meta Fiction?  Short Story?  Tall Tale?  Suspense/Thriller?  Essay?

In your Journal notes, please make a note of your choices.  Left or right?  Straight ahead or stuck?

Please make a note of your genre choice and why?

What exactly is it that you SEE in the scene that propels you to choose the genre that popped into your brain?

The Scene

Enjoy your Travels Writers!

Brain at work . . .

Write about it!

See you back here for the next exciting


Peace, Love & Light,


© Copyright - René Allen - JULY 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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