Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13th, 2017

Continuation of HouseCapades!

Good Morning everyonetoday you will find the continuation of my Romantic Short Story entitled,"HouseCapades" by René Allen from the Anthology TWISTED SHORTIES II - A.F. Stewart, Editor, and Pam Brittain, Chief Compiler.

If you have been following along, the Short Story is continuing for the 6th Installation.  You can view HouseCapades from the beginning here on the Blog by viewing the five previous posts.

Your comments & thoughts are always welcomed here on the Blog!

Twisted Shorties II

By René Allen
VINETTE ONE ~ Unaccustomed Business

[ BLOG - continuation of Story ] . . .

*Red type denotes last paragraph where we left off . . .

Quinton spoke first, “Baby, what floor are we on?” It dawned on him that neither one of them had pushed any buttons.

“Oh, yes, that's right; I didn't ask you where you wanted to stay, did I?” Sheila hesitated for a second, “I mean which room?”

“Wherever you want me to be,” Quinton responded while pulling her to himself, and looking intently into her eyes. “I'm here for as long as you want me to be, wherever you want me to be.”

Stunned, Sheila softly answered, “I don't know what floor we're on.” She was slowly melting like cotton candy over a flame.

Quinton took her hand in his, “Well, let's step off and see where we are.” As they both stepped off the elevator, leaving Quinton's Crocodile luggage inside, a strange thing happened...

They were both standing on a crème carpeted floor that smelled freshly laid. There were red rose petals strewn all around, leading to a very voluptuous bed, with thick mattresses, and many king-sized plump satin pillows. And, the moment they took the first step together, both looking around in wonderment, soft romantic jazz music started playing.

“Did you do this just for me?” Quinton asked, but stopped midway through his question, because he noticed that the look on Sheila's face told him the answer.

“I – I – I've never seen this room, or floor, or wherever we are – before in my life,” Sheila told Quinton with a stunned look on her face.

"Alrighty then."  Quinton found this all to be very amusing.  Then as he looked around, he discovered that there was nothing else to this place where they were.  There were no other rooms, hallways, or anything else -- there was only the freshly thick plush carpeted floor with red rose petals, the massive lovely bed with a very expensive ornate redwood bed frame, and one picture window with expensive designer draperies pulled back to reveal the picture window dressing of sheer crème silk lace embroidered with a pair of crowned king and queen hummingbirds.

As Sheila looked around, she was completely at a loss. She had no idea of where they could be within the house at this point. She took Quinton by the hand, “Let's get back on the elevator and start all over again from the foyer.”

Quinton laughed. “Let's not,” he said to her in a reassuring voice.

“Let's not?” Sheila asked. She was unsure. She didn't know what he had in mind if they didn't get back on the elevator and start all over again.

“No. Let's not do that. Let's just stay in here for a bit.” And, like magic, just as Quinton got those words out of his mouth, the elevator door shut.

The sound of the elevator door closing scared Sheila. “I'm scared. Do you have your walkie-talkie phone with you?”

“Don't be scared, baby. I'm with you,” Quinton told her as he pulled her into his loving arms. “Come to think of it, I do. It's here in my pocket.” He pulled it out to show to her, but discovered that it had turned into a video game of sorts.

What in the world is that?” Sheila asked him.

“I don't know.” Quinton looked at it in puzzlement. The (whatever it was) started flashing and throwing hearts around on the screen. “I have no idea where this came from,” he said to her while studying the antics of the (whatever it was).

Sheila took one look at what was happening on the screen of the (whatever it was), and bust out in laughter.

Quinton had to laugh along with her, because this whole (whatever it was) was just rather odd, to put it mildly. “I really don't know where this thing came from. I know I put my walkie-talkie phone in my pocket, where this thing was.” Quinton jerked his head in Sheila's direction, “Did you call Betty White?”

“Betty White! What would I call her for?” Sheila asked.

“To play a joke on me,” Quinton said to her seriously, laughing. He was laughing, but he was serious about the question he had asked Sheila.

“No. No, I did not.” Now Sheila was laughing. “You're funny, Quinton.”

“I'm serious. This is odd. Don't you think this is odd?” Quinton was looking around the room, then back at the thing in his hand, then at Sheila. “Okay, maybe we do need to get back into the elevator and start over again on the foyer level.”

Sheila was happy to hear Quinton say that. “Yeah, let's do that.” She told him as she took his hand, leading him back over to the elevator door.

As they both went to press the “down” button to the elevator, they realized that there was only one button, and it said, “Will.”

Copyright May 2013 by René Allen - All Rights Reserved.


See you all back here for more of HouseCapades!

Get your Journals out, because we're going to be learning more about Short Stories at the end of this Romantic Short Story...

Peace, Love & Light,


©Copyright - René Allen - APRIL 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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