Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The year 2017 . . .

Praying Hands

Good Afternoon Poets, Poetry Lovers, Writers, Authors, Artists, Blog Readers, Followers & Visitors ~ It is that time of the year when everyone is reflecting on the 2017 year ~ what can be made better, forgiven, forgotten, and/or used as a stepping stone.  While some people never take the time to reflect on their lives at the end of each year, many of us do, and many of us do so on a more regular basis.  How about you?  How do you feel your 2017 year went?  Do you have hope for the future?  Are you motivated to move forward or do you have some reservations about what is to come?

Looking toward the future . . .

There are many writers who are very familiar with prayer and Devotionals.  Being in tune with your spirit and the world you live in is vital to opening up your level of awareness.  Clearing out all that is harmful and toxic is something that we should look forward to doing at this time of the year.

Our future rests in the hands of the adults who have wisdom and knowledge and who make it a point to guide our youth -- not only by speaking with them, teaching them, and guiding them, but also by being a walking and living example for them.

Believe it or not, many children pray . ..

Hope begins with a prayer

Children's prayers are powerful

Learning at an early age
about the power of Prayer

Children know more about 
the spiritual world than many
people give them credit for

Every day we have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those we come in contact with.  Our egos should never stand in the way of progress.  There is always someone who knows more than we do, feels deeper than we do, and has experienced deeper hurts or struggles than we have.  Writing is therapeutic, and that is why as a poet, author, writer, filmmaker, song writer, playwright, producer, director, artist, innovator, or any human being living and breathing on this earth ~ you can make a huge difference in this world. 

As a child, it is good if you have been taught that you do not always have to be right.  Nor do you always have to speak over everyone else around you.  There is a tone that is hurtful, and there is a tone that is healing.  It matters if you seek to harm others or if you seek to help others.  It is important if you have the mind-frame of a friend or if you have the mind-frame of a foe.

As a Leader, you know that it not all about "you" ~ but about others ~ and many more people than your selfish "self".  Wouldn't it be an unpleasant experience to have a community leader that only seeks to serve their own interest?  Wouldn't it be rather devastating to have a person over your city who cares only about filling their own pockets and the pockets of their friends?  We dare not hope for a President over a country to seek to cause division or destroy progress that has taken place under the leadership of another or at the peril of the people he or she serves to protect and uplift.

Our households should be a safe-haven, and not a combat zone.

Family Fighting-Contention  

Contention does not breed well for healthy environments.  Therefore, we should avoid contentious people, avoid initiating contentious conversations, and steer clear of being a party to contentious groups of people.  We should also seek to show our children what healthy, nurturing and peaceful environments look and feel like, so that they do not learn to be a discomfort to others nor gravitate to dissentious or quarrelsome people because that is all they have known and/or learned.

There is a lot more to be said, but in the meantime, I'll leave you with this short statement . . .

The new normal should be P E A C E.


What we pray for in the year ahead...
Peace, Love & Light

By René Allen

©Copyright - René Allen - 2014-2017 - All Rights Reserved

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