Time to come up off the bench
December 28th, 2018
Welcome back all Writers, Authors, aspiring authors, emerging authors, Novelists, poets, Journalists, and creative writers of various genres ~ We're here once again to get all Writers who plan to write a book in 2018 up off the bench. Hopefully, you've had a chance to read our previous Blog Session that was shared a couple of days ago entitled, "How do I write if I feel sad and depressed?". [Click on the link to view].
The previous Blog Session mentioned above was focused on guiding all Writers (following along here) in the right direction to get in touch with your thoughts and feelings. It is important to keep track of your emotional state so that you make sure to maintain a healthy mental well-being, as well as a full self-awareness of what types of thoughts, feelings, and emotions are affecting your daily decisions.
If you are depressed, sad, angry, out-of-sorts, aggravated, annoyed, short-tempered, anxious, lonely, sad, or have any other self-defeating emotions/feelings, a Diary is a good tool for you to utilize.
Your Diary
(Daily personal writer's tool)
Please take advantage of writing in your Diary on a daily basis so that you may learn the therapeutic benefits of doing so. If you are honest with yourself as you write about the daily happenings in your life, you will be amazed at how doing so will help you to work through any challenges or problems you may encounter in your life.
In light of our previous above-mentioned Session, the following Blog Session after that contained a poem which highlighted a person who exhibited feelings of depression, sadness, sorrow, loneliness, and regrets. If you did not yet get a chance to read the poem, you may read it by clicking on the following link: SHADOWS of DEPRESSION by René Allen
Poetry writing is very therapeutic for your soul. If you are a poet, then you already know about the benefits of pulling forth the poetry that dwells in your soul. The poetry which is deposited inside of you yearns to come forth through the ink in your pen, or the recorder on your smartphone. If you are a writer and you have not focused on writing poetry, you should try doing so in a separate Journal dedicated just for your poetry writing...
Poetry Writing Journal
All poets here with us on the Blog are encouraged to take some time to write in your Poetry Journal as often as the poetic spirit moves you. Poetry writing is another way to unload your feelings in a very creative way. You'll find that once you place what is within you on paper, you'll feel more inspired to write.
Once you have headed in the direction of writing or creating in any form, you'll find that your spirit will feel uplifted, and you'll be motivated to continue forth in the direction of creating.
It is all about coming up off of the bench if you have been sitting out on the side-lines when it comes to your writing...
Bench Dweller
Emerging Writer
Helpful advice for you ~ get outdoors if you feel a need to bench it at any point. Be inspired by nature and the fresh air.
Never let your bench moments last too long dear Writer. If you do that, then you may fall into the gloomy doldrums wherein depression, sadness, inactivity, and sluggishness could possibly take a hold of you, and you definitely don't want that to happen now do you?
Bench Dweller
Aspiring Writer
Right now, we are going to tackle the subject matter at hand, "Time to come up off the bench" . . .
Here is what you need to do in order to start getting active:
1. Take walks (outdoors or indoors)
2. Exercise with your own equipment or at the Gym;
3. Think positive thoughts (write down your positive
4. Keep a Gratitude Journal of all the things you are grateful
5. Write daily in your Diary;
6. Use your Poetry Journal on a regular basis;
7. Create artworks or other artistic items (pottery, knitting,
sewing, leather works, sketches, drawings, videos, dances,
sing and/or write songs...);
8. Watch interesting movies that inspire you and make you
feel more creative;
9. Search for interesting things on the internet that you
might want to write your book about;
10. Assemble all of your writing items such as Journals,
Notepads, Notebooks, pens, file folders, and other items
that will inspire you to write and work on your book; and
11. Read the type of books in the genre that you like and plan
to write your book about -- i.e., mystery, poetry, culture,
historical fiction, comedy, self-help, memoir, crime
drama, detective, etc.
And, final note for today . . .
Bench Dweller
Writer / Author / Novelist
You've had your Blog Session for today, and with the new year at your door, it is time to come up off the bench . . .
See you in our next Blog Session!
Preparing to write
your Book
in 2018!
Peace, Love & Light
By René Allen
©Copyright - René Allen - 2014-2017 - All Rights Reserved
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