Wednesday, January 3, 2018


January 3rd, 2018

Welcome back to the Blog dear Friends ~ It's a new year, and a new day, and we are going to start this new year off on a positive note.  We're here today to get you going for the year.  Our aim is to keep in our minds that we want to write a book in 2018.

With book writing in mind, and keeping in line with that frame of thought, we are going to discuss Affirmations.  The reason we are turning to affirmations is because by focusing on affirmations that ring true for us, we will be taking the action necessary to frame our world.  We will also be concentrating on affirming something that we expect to bring positive results into our lives.

Here is an example of an affirmation that you may like to add to your Journal Notes for today...

Affirmation for 2018

With your Affirmations before you (on a magnet on the refrigerator) or on your desk on a plack, or in your Journal that you turn to daily ~ you'll have words before you each day that uplift your spirit, and keep you focused on constructive and positive thoughts that will lead to progressive actions for your best and highest good.

Let us suppose that you may be feeling melancholy for some unknown reason.  Maybe the Holidays made you a little sad or tired.  Or maybe you are dragging because you are a little tired from all of the hustle bustle.  You may be facing a challenge in your life.  It could be possible that you have been recently disappointed about something.  Well, fear not, here is an affirmation for you . . .

Affirmation for a positive outlook

Many of our friends here reading along with us today may be very familiar with using affirmations.  If you have not heard of affirmations before, then now is a good time to find out how they may work for you.

Affirmations are positive statements that can help you overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts.

The reason why we had made it a point to discuss (in previous Blog Sessions) the topic of using a daily diary, is because the process of doing so helps you to get a grip on your thoughts and your emotions, and it will also help you to understand any negative thoughts or attitudes that you are toting around with you in life.

Negative Thoughts
Bad Attitudes
Sour Disposition
[Luggage needing to be unloaded for 2018]

Negative thoughts, bad attitudes and sour dispositions have no place in the year 2018.  Please make a note of that in your Journal.  This is the type of luggage that needs to be unloaded.  We have no reason to carry any of this type of  luggage into our new year.  Nor do we have any reason to have people around us who are carrying this type of luggage around with them, because they may try to unload it on us.  And we are not going for any of that in this new year.  Let's all make that clear right here, right now.

To use affirmations, first analyze the thoughts or behaviors you'd like to change in your own life and career. Next, come up with positive, credible, present tense statements that are the opposite of these thoughts.

The way to check your thoughts is to turn to your trusty daily diary that will never lie to you as long as you are honest with it in your writings.

Daily Diary

We're going to leave you with your Diary to do a little fact checking with yourself today and this evening.  Then, we'll be back with our next Blog Session for more great tips to keep you headed in the right direction . . .
Peace, Love & Light

By René Allen

©Copyright - René Allen - 2014-2018 - All Rights Reserved

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