Monday, February 12, 2018

The Writer's Comfort Levels ~ PART 16 ~ "Anger"

The Writer's Comfort Levels

February 12, 2018

Welcome back Writers, Readers, Authors, Novelists, Journalists, Poets, Short Story Writers, Film Writers, and everyone interested in writing a book and those of you who are working on a Writing Project ~ We're here for another great Blog Session about The Writer's Comfort Levels.  Tonight's emotion is "Anger".

For our Blog Session this evening, you will definitely need to grab your Journal to take notes about the 16th emotion that we will be discussing today.  We will talk about how "anger" comes into play in relation to The Writer's Comfort Levels.
Journal Notes

There is something about the way anger can disrupt lives, destroy families and relationships, end careers, and wreck havoc on various areas of a person's life if they happen to have an "anger management" problem.  With that in mind, we should clearly recognize that anger is not an emotion that we should ever strive to take hold of and nourish in any way.

Anger is a problem that is often overlooked and dismissed as a passing thing.  Sometimes it is not a passing thing.  Sometimes people need legitimate help with anger issues that are ruining their life.

Anger produces a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.

Angry people tend to be filled with rage and are a vexation to those around them.  The angry person is often one who shows forth irritation, irritability, indignation, outrage, wrath, and is often aggravated by anything that is displeasing to them.  Be their anger justified or not, it is worth noting that anger should always be identified, recognized, and dealt with.  Anger should not be allowed to spiral out of control.  Nor should a person dwell on their anger over long periods of time without trying to reach a amenable resolution.

The phrase ~ "Oh he's just blowing off steam"
is NOT cute.

People who are in need of anger management often shout, are coarse, use rough speech, are rude, crude, impolite, uncouth, ill-mannered, uncivil, crass, unseemly, and to the extreme lewd and/or vulgar.

If you think you may have an anger management problem, it is important that you seek the help of a trained medical professional.

If you know someone who has an anger management problem and is in need of the help of a trained medical professional, do not hesitate to try to get them the help that they may need.

Letting your anger build up and boil over onto others is not wise...

In need of Anger Management

Anger that is an every-day-adventure in households with children tends to affect children in a very negative way...

Children are negatively impacted
when living in households with anger.

We all know someone who has been identified as a "hot-head".  We all know someone who flies off the handle so to speak.  There are questions that arise when identifying people who cannot seem to keep their emotions under control in the area of anger ~ Does the person need professional medical attention?  Is the person in need of therapy or counseling?  Is the person overwhelmed?  Is the person burned out?  Is the person under extreme stress?  Does the person have a personality disorder?  Is the person seeking attention in a very negative way?  Is the person simply a Drama King or Queen?  Is the person extremely immature?  Is the person a bully?  Is the person potentially violent?

Accusatory people who are always seeking people to attack have serious issues that need to be dealt with.  Accusatory people tend to be very judgemental, critical, and bitter . . .

Accusatory Person

If you are a Writer, using the emotion of anger in your story as it relates to one of your characters is a research project in and of itself.  There are many causes that relate to the root of anger within a person.

You must first be able to know the difference between being upset, and having a real anger management problem.

Getting mad over little insignificant things every day points to a underlying problem that is being overlooked.

Unhealthy Anger

There are times when anger serves a justifiable purpose.  If we need to take action on something important, anger serves the purpose of motivating us to do so.  A good example would be Rosa Parks being angry about racial discrimination, and no longer going along with sitting on the back of the bus.  Racial discrimination was and is a big deal...

Rosa Parks 1955
(Justifiable Anger)

The "Me Too" Movement is another example of justifiable anger.  The Me Too Movement was spread virally in October as 2017 as a hashtag, and was used on social media to help demonstrate the widespread prevalence of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace.  The Movement followed soon after the public revelations of sexual misconduct allegations against Harvey Weinstein.  The phrase was first used in this context by Tarana Burke and was popularized by Alyssa Milano when she encouraged women to tweet it to "give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem".

Tarana Burke
Founder ~ "Me Too" Movement

Hashtag MeToo Movement on Tweeter

#MeToo ~ Alyssa Milano

Writers are able to move mountains with words.  Stories are told with words.  Movements change the world.  Justifiable Anger channeled in the right way forces needed change.

If you are a Writer interested in writing a Self-Help Book, the topic of Anger Management is one in which many people are interested in and in need of hearing more about.

We'll be back for another great Blog Session tomorrow!

The Writer's Comfort Levels
Peace, Love & Light

By René Allen

©Copyright - René Allen - 2014-2018 - All Rights Reserved

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