Saturday, May 6, 2017

It's Mental Health Awareness Month!
MAY 2017

We are back with our listing of Depression Symptoms.  If you were here for our previous Blog Session, then you have your Journals and/or Diaries ready to take more notes.

When we were last here, we went over the first five (5)  Most Common Symptoms of Depression.  Lets carry on with the next five Depression Symptoms...

Ten (10) Most Common Symptoms of Depression (continued)

6.  Alcoholism/drug taking
Substance abuse, whether it involves illegal drug taking, or alcoholism, is prevalent among people with depression. Research has shown time and time again that people with depression are more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs, and alcoholics are more likely to suffer from depression.
Please Note:  It seems like these two problems go hand in hand, and if you notice a friend drinking too much or taking drugs constantly, then they may have an underlying mental condition like depression.
7.  Erectile dysfunction
In men, erectile dysfunction is common when suffering from depression.  Erectile dysfunction occurs as a result of men not having any real interest in sex, which manifests itself physically.  Though many men don’t report the issue, likely as a result of being embarrassed, it has been known for many years that erectile dysfunction goes hand in hand with the problem and is relatively likely to occur in men with depression.
8.  Suicidal thoughts
This is one of the most serious symptoms of having depression, and it involves constant thoughts about how one might kill oneself.  These thoughts can quickly manifest into a serious attempt of trying to end one’s life, making this a worrying problem that family should try and solve right away.
Please Note:  If you are having suicidal thoughts, it’s essential that you speak to your doctor or your closest family immediately.  Remember that depression can be treated, and no matter how bad you feel right now, it isn’t as hopeless as you think.
9.  Trouble making decisions
If a person suddenly has trouble making decisions, and they have never acted like this in the past, then it is possible that they are suffering from depression.  A bizarre, yet common, symptom of depression is a difficulty making decisions.
Please Note:  If somebody is suddenly acting as if they don’t know what to do, or how they want to go about their day, or even something as simple as not knowing what to eat, try and find out more about what’s going on.
It’s possible that the depression is taking over their thought processes and damaging their ability to make decisions as a result.
10.  General stress
Finally, stress will be a likely accompaniment to depression. When you suffer from depression, it becomes more difficult to go about your life, and if you’re at work, you’re going to find it even more tiresome and difficult to do what your boss requires of you.


Depression is very personal and it is not surprising that it is one of the most common conditions in our modern society. The demands placed on us for our time and attention combined with increasing debt and uncertainty have made this one of the most highly medicated conditions.  While “chemical imbalance” is often used to validate this condition, the reason for the imbalance is often not addressed and can be from a variety of sources.
Please Note:  Diet, exercise, mind/body issues, trauma, loss, medication, life events, genetics, and accidents of all kinds can all contribute to the imbalance at the root of depression.
Taking a Holistic approach to dealing with depression would involve mindfulness, excellent foods, personal training, massage, mind-body work, meditation, prayer, and many other modalities to help your body’s many systems reconcile and heal.
As those that suffer from depression know, this illness doesn’t just affect one body system, depression is systemic and it also reaches into the lives of those around the person who is suffering.
Remember to keep your Journal and/or Diary going...
We will continue our Mental Health discussion in our next Blog Session.  See you then!
Peace, Love & Light,


©Copyright - René Allen - MAY 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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