Wednesday, May 17, 2017

We're looking into mental health issues
MAY 2017

Mental Health Awareness Month

Good Morning all Blog Readers, Followers, and Visitors to our Blog.  If you were here with us in our last Blog Session, then you have your Journal ready to continue today with where we left off.  You should have notes about the 16 Signs of a Narcissist.  We've covered the first 8 Signs of a Narcissist.

Now we are ready to jump back into learning more about what we are dealing with if we are in a relationship with a Narcissist in any way ~ be it a partner, a spouse, a family member, a boss, a coworker, a friend, a sibling, or any other person in your life.

Just as a overview, we are discussing the issue of:   NPD ~ Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  Now is the time to get your Journal and get ready to write . . .

Your decorated Journal

Narcissism is a real personality disorder that seems to be affecting more and more people as the years go by.  The problem though, is that it can be hard to tell a narcissistic person from someone who just has a lot of confidence, well it is, at least at first.  However, over time a narcissist ends up giving themselves away, through their behaviour and their apparent lack of empathy.  Don’t forget that a narcissist is someone who worships himself or herself, someone who thinks they’re the best at everything, so of course, you are going to be able to pick up on it very soon.

With that being said, we are moving on to the 9th Sign of a Narcissist . . .

#9  Does your partner seem picky about his or her friends?
A narcissist surrounds themselves with only people they think are worthy.  In a way, they only become friends with people they deem special enough, and this means that they will be picky over the people they chose to spend their time with.  You might find as well that all your partner’s friends look up to them, in a way that feeds your partner’s ego.
[Ask Yourself:  Do you find idolization fascinating?]
#10  How does your partner (or any person you believe may be a narcissist) react to their pride being hit?
Most people don’t deal well with their pride being hit, but a narcissist can’t deal with it at all.  You see, underneath all the confidence that a narcissist spews out, there isn’t a confident person there.  That’s why they go to such extremes to make sure they surround themselves with people who stroke their ego.
And that’s why they always talk about themselves, to protect themselves from the truth.  In a way, they are trying to trick themselves into believing that they really are that great.
#11  Has your relationship ever been threatened because of your partner’s pride?
Really think about it, think about all the arguments that you have had with your partner.  How many of them have been because you had stepped on your partner’s pride?
Perhaps, you made a joke that they took offense to or perhaps you might have told them that they did something wrong.  A narcissist needs to be around people who feed their egos, and if they don’t feel like you are doing that, then they will feel there is no choice for them, but to leave you.
#12  Do they tend to take things further than most?
Again, this is similar to the last question.  When you argue with your partner, do they tend to take things further than you would?  Are they always threatening to leave unless you see things from their side, do they always make sure that you are left in the wrong?  These are typical signs of a narcissist, and it is not healthy for a person to be made to feel wrong when they are not.
[Ask Yourself:  Are you willing to be made to feel wrong and feel bad at the whim of someone else?]
Be sure to take notes
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When we return for our next Blog Session, we will  continue learning more about the 16 Signs of a Narcissist.  We will continue our discussion with Signs 13 - 16 of a Narcissist.
See you back here with your Journal!
Peace, Love & Light,


©Copyright - René Allen - MAY 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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