Thursday, May 18, 2017

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Mental Health Awareness Month

May 2017

Good Afternoon everyone ~ It's Mental Health Awareness Month, and we are discussing Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), and more specifically, the 16 Signs of a Narcissist.

For all Blog Readers, Followers and Visitors, just as an overview, we have been writing notes in our Journals about our thoughts, emotions, and our daily activities.  We've also been taking notes relative to the topics being discussed this month about mental health.  Now is a good time to get your Journal out as we continue with the 16 Signs of a Narcissist so that you will be better able to identify this specific personality type.

Journal your thoughts
[Also take Notes during Mental Health Awareness Month]

We're now continuing our note-taking with Sign #'s 13 - 16. . .

#13  Can your partner or the person you know and suspect is narcissistic accept responsibility for things they have done?
If your partner or the person you know and suspect is a narcissist does something wrong, can they accept responsibility for it?  Often, you will find with narcissists that they cannot accept when they are in the wrong, they are convinced that nothing is ever their fault.
They will twist and contort situations in any way they can to make sure that they escape the blame.  And the scary thing is that they won’t realize they are doing it.  To them, they really are the innocent party!
#14  Can your partner or the person you know and suspect may be a Narcissist become volatile when challenged?
There will always be bad fights in a relationship, but how bad do yours get and how easily do they get there?  It is quite common with people who have a narcissistic personality disorder to easily flip off the handle.
I don’t mean that they will get overly violent, but you might find that they punch walls or throw things when they feel like they are losing the argument.  They will in essence through a temper tantrum.  They will also be able to give you several excuses once they have calmed down, as to why they thought it was okay to behave in such a way.  And they will act as if you are out of your mind if you think something is wrong with their behavior.
[Ask Yourself:  Is it okay with you to be disrespected and on edge because a person you know throws fits at the drop of a dime?] 
#15  Does your partner or the person you know and suspect may be a Narcissist always play the victim?
Is your partner or the person you suspect is a Narcissist always the victim, no matter what?  This is again another really common sign of narcissism.  It is the inability to accept that they are not perfect.
They will go to extremes to explain why they were the victim.  And, although their reasoning may seem unbelievable to you, your partner (or the Narcissist) will believe their reasons fully, and may find it annoying that you can’t see from their perspective.
#16  Is your partner or the person you suspect to be a Narcissist controlling and demanding?
If your partner or the person you suspect to be a Narcissist  tries to control what you do or demands that you do things differently, then there is a good chance they are narcissistic. A narcissist believes that their way is best and anything else is just wrong!

What do you do now if you are involved with a Narcissist?
With all 16 Signs of a Narcissist being given out to you, if you recognize that any person in your life exhibits a number of the signs listed, there is a good chance that you have a Narcissistic person in your life that is making your life miserable.
The question for you now is what do you plan to do about it?
Just a simple note for your Journal:  You need to keep in mind that having a relationship with a Narcissist is not advisable.  You need to remember that a narcissistic lover isn’t necessarily a bad person, they just love themselves and care for themselves above and beyond everyone else.  So if you do see these signs in your relationship, you need to ask yourself, can you spend your life around such a person?  And better yet, why would you want to?
We'll be back here in our next Blog Session to talk about Narcissistic Parents.  Hmmmm . . . .

"Oh boy, Ill have to make sure I'm back here to hear about Narcissistic Parents!"

See you back here with your Journal!
Peace, Love & Light,


©Copyright - René Allen - MAY 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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