Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Time to get your Journal out!

Mental Health Awareness Month
May 2017

We're Learning all 16 Signs of a Narcissist

Good Afternoon all Blog Readers, Followers, and Visitors to our Blog ~ If you were here with us in our last Blog Session, then you had a chance to learn more about what is known as NPD ~ Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Narcissism is a real personality disorder that seems to be affecting more and more people as the years go by.  The problem though, is that it can be hard to tell a narcissistic person from someone who just has a lot of confidence, well it is, at least at first.  However, over time a narcissist ends up giving themselves away, through their behaviour and their apparent lack of empathy.  Don’t forget that a narcissist is someone who worships himself or herself, someone who thinks they’re the best at everything, so of course, you are going to be able to pick up on it very soon.

While not everyone really pays attention to the personality of others, when you are around a narcissist for any length of time, it is hard not to feel their presence.  A narcissistic person is quite the curious personality.  Unlike other mental health issues, this particular disorder is one that is more prevalent lately.  It could possibly be due to the number of "selfies" that so many people are obsessed with -- particularly our younger generation.

Taking a "Selfie"

With all of the technology that is being used in this day and age, just imagine the mental health issues that are being created for the future.  There will no doubt be a mental health condition named OSD ~ "Obsessive Selfie Disorder".

While OSD may sound like a fantasy, think about how many people you are around that are constantly taking "selfies" ~ I mean R e a l l y. . .

The Selfie Generation

But I digress, sorry, let's get back to the topic at hand.  We're talking about the signs of a Narcissist.  If you’re worried that you might be in a narcissistic relationship with your girlfriend or boyfriend, or even your spouse, then here are 16 signs to look out for, and questions to ask yourself . . .

16 Signs of a Narcissist . . .

#1  Do you feel like you are being used?

A common symptom of being in a narcissistic relationship is feeling like you’re being used.  You might feel like you are underappreciated by your partner, or that they use you as their step up.
This is so common in narcissistic relationships because a narcissist’s number one priority is themselves, nothing else even comes close.  This means they will always make sure they are okay and they will do whatever it takes to feel good about themselves, but they won’t go to those same extremes for anyone else.  This often will leave the other partner feeling used, because essentially, they are being used!
#2  Do you feel like they overvalued you at first, but then you quickly become undervalued?
By this I mean, did they at first treat you like the world revolved around you?  Did they make you feel like you were really special?  Then after a while, did this change?  Did they start to treat you like they were doing you a favour by being with you?  These are all common occurrences in a narcissistic relationship.
A narcissist surrounds themselves with people they consider to be special and above the rest, but over time these people disappoint the narcissist as it’s impossible to live up to their shining standards.  Once you have disappointed them, you become much less interesting to them.
[Ask Yourself:  Do you deserve to be taken for granted?]
#3  Did they or do they get under your skin?
Narcissists convey a huge amount of confidence, far more than the average person would dare to have, and because of this, it can be easy for them to get under your skin.  If a person conveys that much confidence, then it tricks your brain into wanting to find out why they have this high sense of self-pride.
They must be really great if they are that confident, right? This is how narcissists work, they trick people into thinking they’re brilliant, they make people want to get to know them, and they make sure the world revolves around them.
[Ask Yourself:  Do you really want to be around someone who gets under your skin?]
#4  Do they take hourly selfies of themselves?
A really easy way to pick out a narcissist is to look at their online profiles on social media.  How have they talked about themselves, do they post numerous pictures of themselves every day that are clearly taken by them?  People always want to present their best sides online, but a narcissist takes it one step further, they aren’t just telling a few white lies, they make themselves seem perfect in every way, several times a day!
[Ask Yourself:  Do you really want to be around someone who is so stuck on theirself?]
The Narcissist
Now for the next signs of a Narcissist ~ Numbers 5 - 8, we'll be back after our coffee break!

In the meantime, be sure to put the notes to the 16 Signs of a Narcissist in your Journal or Diary.  You'll no doubt come back to read the signs of a narcissist in the future.
We'll be back shortly ~
Peace, Love & Light,


©Copyright - René Allen - MAY 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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