Sunday, May 28, 2017

Psychosis: A Misunderstood Illness

Mental Health Awareness Month
MAY 2017

Welcome back to the Blog all Readers, Followers & Visitors!

We are in the midst of a heavy duty discussion about mental health.  We've been using our Journals as a way to take notes about what we have been learning here on the Blog, as well as take notes about what is actually going on with each of us personally.

Mental Health is a very important area of our lives.  It is vital that our well being physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally be in top shape.  The very reason that we get up each day should be so that we may live our lives to the best of our ability with as little stress and strain as possible.  That sounds really nice right?  Yes, it does!  Is it possible?  Yes, it is!
Let's use our Journals as therapy

Right at this moment, while you are here on the Blog, just take a moment to breathe.  Breathe in then breathe out... inhale, then exhale.  Feel your breath, and notice whether you are tense or not.  If you feel tension anywhere in your body, please take a moment now to notice where the tension is and write it down in your Journal.  Then repeat the breathing process and notice whether the tension in your body is decreasing or not.  If it is not decreasing, stretch both your arms out to your sides, then pull your arms in.  Repeat this process and make a note of how your body feels.  Stretch your arms to your back, and then pull your arms back to your sides -- straight out.  Then do the same with your arms moving them from your sides to the front of your body.  Notice how the muscles in your back respond.  Move your head from left to right, then from front to back.  Repeat two more times.  Now back to breathing ~ Breathe in then breathe out... inhale, then exhale.  Feel your breath, and notice whether you are tense or not.  Make notes in your journal of the areas in your body where you feel tension.  Work on those areas of your body to loosen them up.
Do Arm Stretches
to loosen up

We can work on the arm stretches and leg stretches to loosen up our bodies so that we minimize the stress build up that happens with each of us every day without us being aware of it.  Remember to roll your head around to the left then to the right to loosen up.  Stretch your back by bending your upper body to the right, then to the left...then backwards, then forwards.  Make notes in your Journal daily of how you feel after your breathing exercises and stretches.

Our Journal will open up areas of discovery about ourselves that we had not thought about.  The main thing that we each want to do now is get ready to write about our topic for today.

Take Notes about today's area of mental health . . . 


What is psychosis?
Psychosis is a condition defined by a group of illnesses that disrupt the functioning of the brain to the point where normal functioning in everyday life becomes almost impossible.  Someone experiencing an episode of psychosis is called psychotic.  A psychotic person will lose contact with reality.
Question for you:  Do you know anyone who has lost contact with reality?
What are the symptoms of psychosis?
Delusions:  An idea or belief that someone believes is real but is contrary to reality.  For example; a person experiencing delusions may think that they are an important figure like Jesus Christ – these are called delusions of grandeur.
Hallucinations:  A false sensory perception.  A person experiencing hallucinations may hear, feel, see, taste or smell something that is not there.  Commonly, they will hear an external voice(s) that no one else can hear.
Confused thinking:  Everyday thoughts become confused and sentences may be unclear or hard to understand. Thought can speed up or slow down making following a conversation and remembering things difficult.
Changed feelings:  How you feel can change for no particular reason.  You may feel odd and cut off from the rest of the world.  Mood swings are also common and you may go from massive highs to massive lows.  You may seem to feel less emotion, or show less emotion to those around you.
Changed behaviour:  You may be extremely active or have difficulty getting the energy to do things, laugh when things don’t seem funny, or become angry or upset without any cause.
What are the types of psychotic illnesses?
Schizophrenia:  A complex mental illness with those diagnosed with it experiencing an array of psychotic symptoms.  Contrary to popular belief, a schizophrenic person does not have a ‘split personality’.
Bipolar disorder:  A mental illness categorised by extreme moods being either very high or very low known as mania. These episodes of extreme moods can lead to psychosis.
Drug induced psychosis:  Caused by drugs such as alcohol, marijuana, magic mushrooms, LSD and ecstasy etc. The psychotic episode lasts until the effects of the drugs wear off (hours or days).
Brief reactive psychosis: Psychotic symptoms lasting less than a month and due to a stressful life event.
Psychotic depression: Sometimes depression can become so intense and severe that it results in psychotic symptoms.
What are the causes of psychosis?
Although the exact causes are not yet fully understood, it is likely that psychosis is hereditary.  Environmental factors like drugs and stress, among others, may also play a role in one developing a psychotic illness.
How is it diagnosed?
There’s no specific test for psychosis.  A healthcare professional will determine whether a person is psychotic depending on the symptoms they exude.  Generally, a doctor will perform other tests to rule out another condition.
What treatments are available?
With a psychotic episode early intervention is key and may reduce the length of the psychotic episode.  Treatments usually involve medication, education about the illness, counselling, support from family, friends and community, avoiding drugs and reducing levels of stress.
Key points to remember:
• There is a stigma surrounding mental illness but 1 in 5 people will experience mental illness during their lifetime.
• Psychotic people are often misconstrued as being unpredictable and dangerous but they often only pose a threat to themselves.
• If you know someone that is experiencing a psychotic episode it is important that you offer them as much help as you can so they can get better.
• A psychotic episode can happen to anyone, regardless of age, sex, culture or location.
A psychotic episode can be very scary and confusing and should be treated with understanding and not criticised or laughed at.

I sure hope you have enjoyed this educational Blog Session about Psychosis.  We'll see you back here for our next exciting Blog Session about mental health, and don't forget to bring your Journal along!

Peace, Love & Light,


©Copyright - René Allen - MAY 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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