Saturday, September 16, 2017

Diary Writers at work!

Diary Writers at work!

September 16th, 2017

Good Morning Diary Writers! ~ It's time to wake up and get into our Blog Session for today, which is entitled, "Diary Writers at work!"

If you will briefly take a moment to take a look at the artwork at the top of our Blog for today, you'll notice a woman with her eyes closed.  Why are her eyes closed? Because she is reaching into the catacombs of her mind to get ready to write in her Diary.

When you awake in the morning, it is the best time to write in your Diary.  You'll have to get up a little earlier than normal to do this, because of course you will have other things that you will have to do in your day.  It means that you'll have to wake up an hour or two earlier than normal so that your mind will not be in a rushed or hurried state before you begin writing your daily diary entry.

If you have your Diary handy by your bedside, you can simply reach over and grab it and begin your diary entry.  If you are a Dreamer, then this will work especially well for you, because your dream will be fresh in your mind, and you won't lose it.  In an earlier Blog Session, we spoke about Diaries for those who Dream at night...

Diaries for Dreamers

Dreams are of special importance because they tell you a great deal about what is going on inside of you.

While you may not be able to tell your dreams to some people you know because they do not take dreams seriously, you will definitely be able to learn more about your dreams by writing them down in your private diary.  If you are one of our Blog Readers and Diary Writers who know the value of your dreams, I applaud you, and you'll understand when I tell you to stay away from people who laugh or ask you what you had to eat if you tell them about any of your dreams. Those people are dream killers.

Those who cherish their dreams and take the time to write them down will find that they will discover more about their "self", as well as the world around them.

There are many dreamers who have prophetic dreams that tell of things to come.  Prophecy is a "gift" given by God to those who are able to handle the "gift".

A little about Prophetic Dreams...
Prophetic dreams are some of the most perplexing and exciting dreams that it is possible for a person to have. Dreaming of the future is rare, and it does not happen with everyone.  But, when it does, you are given an unexpected chance to order your actions accordingly, either to prevent a catastrophe from happening, or to prepare and make the proper contingency plans.  At other times, though, prophetic dreams concern events unrelated to the dreamer's life, and it is unclear what the dreamer should do about the dream, to help in any way in relation to the dream, or even if there is anything possible at all for the dreamer to do. Sometimes prophetic dreams will be clearly intended for the dreamer to take appropriate action(s).  At other times, the dreamer will simply be privy to a preview, as it were, of events which will shortly take place. And, in some cases, the events may be a little ways off, like days, months or years.  If you chart your prophetic dreams, then you will gain a better gauge on the timing.

Have you had a prophetic dream?

An example of prophetic dreams:

1)  Dreaming about natural disasters to come whether in the area where you live, or in a specific region or area that is clear to you in the dream.

2)  Dreaming about a death of someone close to you.

3)  Dreaming of accidents that involve someone that you know.

4)  Dreaming about specific events that will occur in your life, most of the time unknowingly to you other than through the dream.

5)  Dreaming about Leadership of your workplace, Country, Nation, or Global events.

6)  Dreaming about innovative discoveries or inventions.

7)  Dreaming about church matters.

In the cases of personal prophetic dreams, it should be made clear to you that the purpose of the dream is to inform you of an important piece of information which will make a great deal of difference in your life, or to someone close to you.  Paying close attention to a personal prophetic dream and taking it seriously is a way that you can benefit yourself and/or your loved ones.

If for instance, you dream of moving to another location that you had no intention of doing, and it is shown clearly in your dream where the place is in great detail, then you should prepare for your move.

I am sure that many of the Blog Readers here have known someone that has been aware of their own death beforehand, and has prepared for it, and not because a doctor has told them, but because they have been shown in a dream or received a premonition. When they tell others, of course, most times those they tell will dismiss what they are saying, but the dreamer knows already in their heart of hearts, and have made peace with it.

Prophetic Dreams of Natural Disasters

Natural disasters like earthquakes, devastating storms, floods, fires, tsunamis, tornados, and other such disasters have been received in dream form by those who have prophetic dreams before the event happens. Believe it or not, prophetic dreams of this nature are relatively common, and people who have dreams of this nature will have the dream and see the actual dream unfold upon waking on the news, or the next day or a day later.

Dreams tend to reach the receiver who is most receptive.  The important point about dreams is to write them down.  You can look back on them at another time to gain further understanding if you do not understand them at the time you have the specific dream or dreams.  Some dreams are symbolic, which makes the dream harder to understand.  However, the symbolism has importance, and it is best to write the symbols down, describe them, and if you can, draw them out.

Some dreams can be about your health in a veiled way, or the health of someone you know.  Write everything down in your Dream Diary, and come back to it at another time if you don't understand the dream.  As more information unfolds, be sure to include that information in your Diary.

Dreams can also offer a benefit when it comes to doing a reflective analysis of your life.  If you dream about having a baby and you have no intention of having a baby, that dream may possibly be more about you carrying a new responsibility in relation to your job, such as a new project, and not necessarily really about having an actual baby.  It could also mean that you are about to have a new beginning in your life.  You may be in the midst of birthing a new future.  This is where doing your research and understanding symbolism comes into play.

There is plenty of information about dream interpretation that will help you to learn more about your dreams, and also help you to expand your mind.

For your own personal growth, write down and document your prophetic dreams and premonitions. You can later go back through your Diary to see if they have in fact come true, and to what extent.

Dreamers, you may also benefit from further research on dreams, symbolism, premonitions, and visions. There is plenty of research out there to help you gain a deeper understanding.

If you are in the Ministry, or are familiar with churches that take prophecy seriously, you may benefit from learning more from them.  And you will benefit from doing further Bible Studies.

There are also Dream Dictionaries and other Dream tools that will help you to learn more about your dreams.

There is also plenty of scientific information about dreams, as well as quantitative studies relating to dreams.  Take a little time to do further research Diary Writers, and discover new areas that you can write about and learn from.

Until our next Blog Session ~ Keep your eyes open for new discoveries ~

Our Next Blog Session:

~ Diary Writer ~
What's coming your way?

Peace, Love & Light,

By René Allen

© Copyright - René Allen - 2014 - 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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