Tuesday, September 12, 2017

~ DIARY WRITERS ~ Grab your Diaries! ~ STEP FIVE


Grab your Diaries!


September 12th, 2017

Welcome back Diary Writers, Blog Readers, Followers & Visitors!  What a day ~ we are all here with our Diaries today.

As a recap, we've been having Blog Sessions about our outer world.  When we were last here, we wrote down a lot of notes from our Session.  If you have had a chance to read over your notes, then you have a good start in terms of subject matter for your Diary.

Consider your Diary.  This is the time to pull your Diary out.  As you look at your Diary, do you feel that it fits your requirements?  The type of Diary that you have chosen should be based on your writing style, personal preferences, and other factors that are specific to you.  The look and feel of your Diary should be pleasing to you.  The more pleasing your Diary is to you, the more you will want to go to it and write in it on a daily basis.

If your handwriting is big, then you have no doubt picked a Diary with wide line spacing.  If you did not do that, then you will have to shrink your handwriting down to fit the width space of your diary lines.  If you find that having to do that irritates you, then you may want to purchase an additional Diary with wider line spacing.

If you have small, neat handwriting, then your Diary will have smaller margins and line spaces, and that will be just fine for you.

It is up to you as to when you will start writing in your Diary, and whether or not you will start on a certain date each year or whether you will pick up an additional Diary to carry you over whenever you have run out of pages.  Some people write in their Diaries by date.  The problem that you may run into is that you may have more to say than the page or pages allow.  It is recommended that you have an additional Diary or a Journal so that you can write by subject matter in your other Diary or Journal.  You'll find other Blog Sessions here on the Blog (in the month of August 2017) that are specific to Artist Diaries, Author Diaries, Poet Diaries, Photographer Diaries, and Traveler's Diaries.

Designers tend to draw designs in their Diaries, and/or add clippings of designs in their Diaries.  Just the same, Photographers will add a lot of photos to their Diary.  And, as you can imagine, each person will have something that is a part of who they are in terms of creativity that will make its way into their Diary.

There are many Diary Writers who tend to color code their Diary entries...
Diary Entries (Color coded)

As you can see from the above Diary pages, there are tiny thin lines, and the Diary Writer has chosen to color code each year in the Five-Year Diary pages seen above.  Your Five-Year Diary may be totally different internally from the one seen above.  Or, you may have a one year Standard Diary like so...

Standard Diary
(Page a Day)

As you can see in the one year Standard Diary, the lines are thin, but you have a page a day to write in.  If you have more to say than the allotted page space, then this is where you may need to get an additional Diary.

And, just so you know, there are other style Standard Diaries like the one seen below...

Standard Diary (Style 2)
[Four Quarters  ~ Four Days]
Wider Lines ~ Minimal Space

For all Diary Writers who are Historians or Journalists, you may be interested in keeping a Diary that records History or events that are newsworthy during your lifetime.  Take a look at the following . . .

Make your Diary of Historical Significance!

If you are interested in preserving History, then you would make a great candidate for a Historical Diarist.  The Diary of Anne Frank is an example of a slice of History recorded by a young woman who simply sought out to write in her Diary. You too, can be one who is the Recorder of History of your Country, Region, or significant events in World History.

Those of you who live in the United States, and who lived through Hurricane Harvey during the month of August 2017, are Diary Writers who can record an important slice of History.  Hurricane Harvey was the first major hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Hurricane Wilma in 2005, ending a record 12-year drought in which no hurricanes of Category 3 intensity or higher made landfall in the United States.  In a four-day period, many areas received more than 40 inches of rain as the system meandered over eastern Texas and adjacent waters, causing catastrophic flooding.  With peak accumulations of 51.88 inches, Hurricane Harvey is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the contiguous United States.  The resulting floods inundated hundreds of thousands of homes, displaced more than 30,000 people, and prompted more than 17,000 rescues.

For those Blog Readers here today who lived through Hurricane Irma,  you too have something to write about in your Diary.  Hurricane Irma was an extremely powerful tropical cyclone affecting the Leeward Islands and Puerto Rico, and threatening Cuba and the Southeastern United States.  It is the strongest Atlantic Hurricane since Hurricane Wilma of 2005 in terms of maximum sustained winds, the most intense in terms of pressure since Dean in 2007, and the first of such intensity to make landfall anywhere in the Atlantic since Hurricane Felix in 2007.  Hurricane Irma is also the first Category 5 Hurricane to affect the northern Leeward Islands on record.  A typical Cape Verde Hurricane, Irma developed on August 30th, 2017 near the Cape Verde Islands from a tropical wave that had moved off the west African coast two days prior.  It is the ninth named storm, fourth hurricane, and second major hurricane of the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season.

The Diary for the Journalist

For those Diary Writers here today who are interested in Journalism and Diary Writing, consider crafting your Diary along the lines of a Journalist.  A Journalist is a person who writes for Newspapers, Magazines, or News Websites.  A Journalist also prepares news to be broadcast.  Is this a description that fits you?

Diary Writers ~ You have a lot of things to write about.  Not only those emotions, feelings, and thoughts that are personal to you, but also those events and the history that is happening now, and affecting people in your Region, and those who are on the other side of the Globe.

In this world of technology, we are all connected for the most part, and there is plenty of information at your fingertips.  We should make good use of it, and change both our inner and outer worlds with our writings in the process.

Here's today's tip:  Open your Diary and write...


Diary Writer ~ Tell Your Story
See you back here for our next Blog Session
 Diary Writers!
Peace, Love & Light,

By René Allen

© Copyright - René Allen - 2014 - 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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