Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Diary for the AUTHOR

The Diary for the AUTHOR

August 12th, 2017

Good Morning Blog Readers, Writers, Diary Writers, Followers & Visitors ~  If you are new to our Blog Sessions, take a moment now to Bookmark this Blog so that you may get back here quickly when your spirit moves you to do so.  Also, if you are interested in receiving our Blog Sessions via Email, then make sure you enter your email address in the spot where you see "Follow by Email" in the far right-hand column under my eyeball, then click "Submit".  You'll receive each of the Blog Sessions in a timely manner the minute they are posted.

Another note for the new Followers to our Blog, all of the wonderful Blog Readers here have Journals so that whenever we are here for the Sessions we can take notes on our various exciting topics.  If you do not yet have a Journal, make sure you pick one up.  If you do not have a Journal to take notes in for today's Blog Session, then a Notebook or Notepad will do just fine until you get your personal Journal. 

Today we are going to continue our Discussion about writing in our Diaries.  In our last Blog Session, we discussed the decorative diary of the Artist.  Our Session for today will be about "The Diary for the AUTHOR".  This is going to be very interesting, because this Session is for everyone here.  All of us have an "Author" inside of our soul.  Whether we realize it or not, we are writing the story of our lives with our thoughts.  Once those thoughts are put on paper, a little spark of life is added to what we are already thinking.

So lets prepare to learn something new today, grab your ink pen and your Journal so that you can take notes . . .

Journal Notes

The first thing we need to make a note of in our Journals is a quick note about what type of Author we are.  What I mean by the question is this:  If you were to write a Book, Short Story, Novel, Play, Film, Guidebook, or an Instructional Manual today, what exactly would you write about?  Would your writing be personal ~ like a Memoir or something along the lines of an Autobiography?  Would you write about a topic that you have knowledge about ~ such as Boating, Skiing, Bowling, Sewing, Martial Arts, Painting, Fashion Design, Cooking?  Would you write about your Travels around the world?  Would your writing be humorous or serious?

The next thing we are going to make a note of in our Journals today is whether we have written anything in the past that we have presented, such as a speech.  Have you turned in a class paper in the past that your were proud of?  Have you ever written a letter to anyone that really moved the person you wrote the letter to?  Have you ever written an account of an incident that happened in your life that changed the direction of your life path?

Thirdly, make a note of how you are feeling today at this moment.  Do you feel relaxed?  Inspired?  Anxious?  Happy?  Joyful?  Neutral? . . . or open to learning?  In order to learn anything new, you must be open to learning.  There is no possible way to grow spiritually, personally, professionally, or intellectually if you are not open to learning.  No one likes a know~it~all.  You know the type of person who is not open to hearing what anyone else has to say, because they believe they are the end all and be all to everything in the universe, and that no one else has a clue.  Some people may call that type of person arrogant.  Others may call that type of person obnoxious.  And still others will call that type of person ignorant.  The bottom line is, be open to learning, because when you stop being open to learning new things you become negative in your thoughts inch by inch.  Keeping your mind flowing in a positive direction requires having an open mind to receiving progressive information.

new ink

The Diary of the Author is interesting in that it is like the lab for new ink.  New ink brings about new ideas, new visions, and new life.  Writing can bring life to dead areas.  We are here today to focus on writing like the Author that lives inside of you.  You can absolutely write yourself into a better mood.  Writing is inspiring!

We all know that words have power, so why would anybody want to use destructive words?  Abrasive speech is deadly.  It kills relationships, hopes, dreams, and in some cases ends life for those sensitive souls who are not able to handle it.  Here's where I'm going with this topic . . .

MUSIC is a powerful medium, and most music has lyrics.  Lyrics can move a nation or destroy a nation.  Music has the power to inspire, move people to tears, make people angry, and/or cause negative vibrations to linger and roll around bringing about negative, disrespectful, and hateful attitudes.  Pay attention to the words of the music that our young people listen to.  Do you wonder why they act like they act?  Listen to the music a person listens to ~ therein is a clue of how they think, how they feel, and ultimately how they act.  People gravitate to the music that moves their soul and pulls on their heart strings ~ whatever that may be.

Think for a minute:  If you were to write a song, what type of song would you write?  Would it be a love song?  Would it be mellow words that accompany a jazz tune?  Would your words be jarring, or soothing?

When you speak ~ What type of words do you use?
Is your mouth foul?
Do you speak loving words?
Are the words that you speak inspiring? ~
   Do your words inspire others to action in a positive way,
   or in a negative way?
Are your words condemning?
Are your words accusatory?
Are your words nosey? ~
    For the purpose of being helpful or harmful?
Are the words that come out of your mouth soothing?
Are the words that come out of your mouth jarring?
Do your words turn people off or pull people to you?

Let us tie up all of the above talk, and turn our Journal page to something you will enjoy . . .

Virginia Woolf

The Diary for the AUTHOR

There are various components to writing a Book.  So you can imagine the mind of an Author.  Your mind jumps from different topics daily.  Your writing may in fact be just like your thinking.  The way to find out how you think is to write.

Above is a photo of Author Virginia Woolf.  To close out today's Blog Session, I'd like for you to make a note in your Journal about how you are going to go about writing in your personal Diary after you read the following Excerpt.  The Excerpt will give you a little insight about an Author's thoughts about writing in their Diary.  The Excerpt is from Virginia Woolf's Book, "A Writer's Diary" . . .

EXCERPT “I got out this diary and read, as one always does read one’s own writing, with a kind of guilty intensity.  I confess that the rough and random style of it, often so ungrammatical, and crying for a word altered, afflicted me somewhat.  I am trying to tell whichever self it is that reads this hereafter that I can write very much better; and take no time over this; and forbid her to let the eye of man behold it. And now I may add my little compliment to the effect that it has a slapdash and vigour and sometimes hits an unexpected bull’s eye.  But what is more to the point is my belief that the habit of writing thus for my own eye only is good practice.  It loosens the ligaments.  Never mind the misses and the stumbles.  Going at such a pace as I do I must make the most direct and instant shots at my object, and thus have to lay hands on words, choose them and shoot them with no more pause than is needed to put my pen in the ink.  I believe that during the past year I can trace some increase of ease in my professional writing which I attribute to my casual half hours after tea.  Moreover there looms ahead of me the shadow of some kind of form which a diary might attain to.  I might in the course of time learn what it is that one can make of this loose, drifting material of life; finding another use for it than the use I put it to, so much more consciously and scrupulously, in fiction.  What sort of diary should I like mine to be?  Something loose knit and yet not slovenly, so elastic that it will embrace anything, solemn, slight or beautiful that comes into my mind.  I should like it to resemble some deep old desk, or capacious hold-all, in which one flings a mass of odds and ends without looking them through.  I should like to come back, after a year or two, and find that the collection had sorted itself and refined itself and coalesced, as such deposits so mysteriously do, into a mould, transparent enough to reflect the light of our life, and yet steady, tranquil compounds with the aloofness of a work of art.  The main requisite, I think on re-reading my old volumes, is not to play the part of censor, but to write as the mood comes or of anything whatever; since I was curious to find how I went for things put in haphazard, and found the significance to lie where I never saw it at the time.  But looseness quickly becomes slovenly.  A little effort is needed to face a character or an incident which needs to be recorded. Nor can one let the pen write without guidance; for fear of becoming slack and untidy.”
Above Excerpt:  From a diary entry dated April 20th, 1919, as printed in A Writer’s Diary.  (Words in bold added for emphasis by René Allen)
Blog Readers, your comments are welcomed.  You may leave your thoughts, any questions, and your comments in the "Comments Section" at the bottom of this blog.
Our Next Blog Session:

MORE ON . . .

The Diary for the AUTHOR

Books by Author
Virginia Woolf

 Other Upcoming Blog Sessions:

The Diary for the POET

The Diary for the PHOTOGRAPHER

The Diary for the TRAVELER
Friends, Diary Writers and AuthorsSee you back here for our next exciting Blog Session! ~

Until then . . .

Peace, Love & Light,

By René Allen

© Copyright - René Allen - 2014 - 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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