Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Your Diary entries, details & schedule . . .

Your Diary

entries, details & schedule

August 8th 2017
Afternoon Edition

Good Afternoon Blog Readers, Followers, Diary Writers & Visitors ~

We are back once again to talk more about our exciting Blog Sessions concerning our Diaries.  During this Blog Session, we will be focusing on special details for our Diaries; writing our Diary entries; a system on how to mark each entry; learning about the details that should be included; and coming up with a personal schedule for writing in our Diaries.

Some people may think that a Diary is no big deal ~ oh, but it is!  Sometimes it is the simple things in life that can make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself, others, and your life in general.

At this point, you should grab your Journal (like we always do) to take notes that will help you to understand more about how a Diary will be something that you will cherish (especially in the future) . . .

Journal Notes

Special Details that you should make a note of . . .

At the top of this Blog Session you will see a vintage photo, which serves as an example of a photo that you can use for the cover of your Diary.  You can use a photo of yourself or a relative that will serve as a Diary legacy.

You can also include photos inside your Diary as you write about the details of your life, the events you attend, the activities you are involved with, and the people and family members in your life.  The photos will serve as a beautiful reminder of the story of your life.  This may also be something that you can consider passing down to your children.

Writing your Diary entries

Diary Entries

Let's think about how we will mark our Diary entries.  Consider the various ways that you can mark your entries:

1)  You can date each entry, including month, day and time.
2)  You can label each entry depending upon your mood during the particular day you write your entry, i.e., excited, somber, depressed, happy, joyful, neutral, etc.
3)  You can label each entry like a News Headliner relative to the activity of the day of your entry.
4)  If you are a poet, you can label each entry with the title of one of your poems that expresses the kind of day you had.
5)  If you are an Artist, you can label each entry with the title of one of your Artworks that you have created.

Most of all, be creative and have a good time labeling your Diary entries so that your experience with your Diary will be personal and memorable.

Diary Details

Diary Details

The one thing that you should keep in mind is that your Diary will be cognitively beneficial.  You'll find that your Diary will be so therapeutic for your soul that you will wonder how you ever got along without it.  Writing about how you honestly "feel" helps your brain to regulate your emotions.

As you write in your Diary, be truthful and honest, not only with yourself, but also in what you are writing.  Really express your feelings and insert your internal emotional meter as you write.  How is writing about whatever you are writing about making you feel?  Are you more relaxed after writing?  Do you feel less burdened after writing?  Does your writing bring back the feelings and emotions that you thought you were over, but after writing those feelings and emotions ~ suddenly those old feelings and emotions rush back like a freight train?

However you feel after writing in your Diary, just know that you are well on your way to having a relationship with yourself that is good for your emotional well-being.  Your soul will thank you.

Let go of your inhibitions when you are writing in your Diary.  Truly be your full "self" as you write.  Hide nothing on the page.  Record both your positive and negative emotions.  This is the way to work through the muck in your life that you may be unconsciously overlooking.

If you are worried or anxious about anything, write about it.  Also remember this helpful Bible Verse...

Philippians 4:6

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (KJV)

Philippians 4:6

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. (Amplified)

Some of you may find that using your Diary as a Daily Devotional may be helpful for you.  If you think that this may help you, then you can also look into picking up a Daily Devotional that also serves as a Journal and/or Diary.

Do not concern yourself with the quality of your writing.  You are not trying to publish your Diary, so there should be no worries about criticism or judgment.  Your Diary is a safe space and place for you to talk, vent, share, and let it all hang out so to speak.

Your Diary is not meant to add stress or pressure to your life.  It is meant to do just the opposite.

At the beginning of each of your entries, attempt to consciously free write.  When you free write, you write quickly and without inhibition.  Simply jot down the first things that come to your mind when you consider what happened during your day.  Be sure to add in your mood, and any feelings or issues that you are struggling with.

You may notice as you get into your diary writing that you have epiphanies about your "self", your "life", your "relationships", and your "career".

And, most of all, be OPEN to learning more about your "self" and the care of your "soul".  Your soul knows exactly who you are, what you need, what you are struggling with, what your heart desires are, and why you feel the way you feel at any given point in time.  This is the main reason why writing is so very vital and helpful.


For all of the Diary Writers who are following along and who have regular dreams, waking visions, prophetic dreams, premonitions, or spiritual insight ~ Your Diary is the perfect place to record everything that comes to you.  You'll find your Diary to be the perfect spot to chronicle your daily dreams.

[NOTE:  Dreamers ~ This is a topic that we will take up in another upcoming Blog Session]

Diary Schedule

About your Diary Schedule . . .

It is important to keep a daily schedule when you make it up in your mind that you are going to keep a daily diary.

If you are the type of person who struggles to find time to do the things that you really want to do in life, then keeping a daily diary may just be the thing to get you on track.

Sticking to a schedule with your diary writing tells you that there is something special that you'd like to accomplish.  Once you confirm the importance of your personal daily diary writing to yourself, you will have no problem confirming it to others.  In fact, you just may convince others to do the same when they find out how helpful it is to you, and they see the positive changes that begin to take place in your life.

If you are really interested in helping yourself, and maintaining a Diary, then you will stick to a schedule. . .

Write in your Diary around the same time each day.  If you do this, then writing in your Diary will become as much a part of your schedule as anything else you do ~ like waking up and drinking your morning cup of coffee.

Whatever you do, do not set a schedule that you do not intend to keep.  It will only frustrate you.

If you really enjoy writing in your Diary, there will be no problem with a schedule, because you will find yourself writing in your Diary whenever your spirit moves you to do so.

If making a schedule is not good for our psyche, because you are the type of person that does not like to be told what to do (even by your "self"), then maybe you can commit to the following . . .

1)   Write in your Diary every other day.

2)   Write in your Diary at least once a week.

3)   Write in your Diary when you are moved to do so.

Whatever you decide, just know that keeping a daily diary will be a journey that you will really appreciate in your mind, heart and soul!


The Diary for the ARTIST

Friends ~ Until our next exciting Blog Session ~

Peace, Love & Light,

By René Allen

© Copyright - René Allen - 2014 - 2017 - All Rights Reserved 

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