Thursday, June 22, 2017

Are you living in a bubble?

Hello.  Hoping everyone can hear me.  In this day and age, many people are engulfed in technology.  People are on their cellphones, have their face glued to their tablets, their mind immersed in their laptops, brain stuck in their computers, and earplugs stuck in their ears. Amid all of the texting and snapchatting, selfies and facebooking, somewhere in the atmosphere there's you.

And, we're back!

The Techno Generation

The question for today is:  Are you living in a bubble?

When we were here last, we had a discussion about several topics of interest.  We also did quite a bit of Journal Writing and Note-taking.

There is one major item I'd like to bring back to the Blog Table, and it is the questions that you were to think about the last time we were here.  You were to think about the questions, and hopefully write down your answers in your Journal.  To make it easy, I'll just list them once again . . .

Journal your answers

For your Journal ~ What do you think of yourself?  How do you feel about yourself?  What are the "gifts" that you have inside of you?  Do you feel good about your "self"?  Do you feel that anything is needed outside of your "self" to make you feel whole or better?  What is the reason that makes you eager to wake up each day?  What is it in life that you seek to do or accomplish?  Could you possibly be a Healer?

The last question is the question we are going to focus on in this Blog Session.  If you ignored the last question, or overlooked the last question because you think that it does not pertain to you, I'd like for you to just think again.

Think on the following . . .

1.  Do you sense that you’re meant to participate in the global shift in consciousness that is currently underway?

We can all feel it.  It is the impending shift that has been talked about for decades.  But those of us who have the ability to heal others don’t just feel it.  They feel it pulling them, like a magnet, towards leadership positions that help facilitate this transformation of human consciousness and evolution of the species.

2.  Have you been through a difficult initiation, which has prepared you for this leadership role?

In indigenous cultures, the village knew who the shaman was because he or she was struck by lightning and survived. In modern culture, you may not literally be struck by lightning, but you may have survived some other life or heart-threatening ordeal.  You may have experienced childhood abuse, sexual violence, a near-death experience, or some other trauma that forged you into the Healer that you are becoming.

3.  Are you are an introvert?
Shamans are multi-dimensional beings who dance between the realms of the seen and unseen worlds.  So if you’re of the shamanic archetype, you may have a hard time navigating the 3D realms of this dimension, which may cause you to withdraw into yourself so you can visit the realms of consciousness where you feel most at home.
Also, those who are called to the Ministry also experience a stage wherein they withdraw themselves and seek solitude so that they may gain a better understanding from God about what is happening with them.  They may experience prophetic visions, or be guided by God in higher ways so that they may gain a better understanding of their "calling". They may find that their prayers are immediately answered, and no longer delayed responses.

4.  Do you feel most at home in nature?

Those who are authentically called by God into the Ministry can hear from God better in a natural setting.  Those who are called to the service of others with special needs, the elderly, orphans, and animals are drawn to nature.  Health Care Providers, Holistic Healers, Shamans, and Cultural Leaders serve as the bridges between God, nature and humans. People who are at home in nature serve as translators between the mountains, oceans, rivers, animals, and people. You may sense that you're most tuned in when you are surrounded by the natural environment.  First Responders are in their positions because they inherently feel a need to help and serve others.  They "feel" for others.

5.  Are you very sensitive?

You may feel things others don’t feel, see things others don’t see, hear things others don’t hear, smell things others don’t smell, and sense things others don’t sense.  This may make it hard for you to be out in public, where you may feel accosted by an overstimulation of your senses.  If you are an Empath, Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), Holistic Healer, Faith Healer, or embody the shamanic archetype, you’re likely the kind of person others may have at some point felt or feel currently to be "too sensitive."  But this sensitivity is a blessing. It’s part of your "gift".

6.  Do you feel a sort of spiritual calling to ease the suffering of people, animals, and nature?

Many health care providers are called to medicine the way priests are called to the priesthood.  But you don’t have to be a health care provider to have the shamanic archetype.  It may transmute itself into healing service to animals, sacred activist causes, or conservation of Mother Earth.

7.  Physical ailments that fall under the category of “shaman sickness.”

In indigenous cultures, shamans who have been called to service but haven’t yet said “yes” to the call often wind up struck with physical ailments.  In modern culture, these shamanic sicknesses may fall into difficult-to-treat categories like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic Lyme disease, chronic pain disorders, and autoimmune disorders.  Acceptance of the call to shamanic service often resolves the symptoms of shaman sickness.  If you’re suffering from one of these illnesses, ask yourself, “Am I a shaman who hasn’t said yes to my calling yet?”
For Faith Healers and those in the Ministry who too have not yet said, "yes" to their call from God -- you may experience some of the same ailments listed above.  In addition, transference of ailments from others (especially for Empaths and Empathic people) must be recognized and understood.  Prayer is vital for both protection and understanding.

8.  Do you tend to have vivid dreams?

God, through the unseen (Spiritual) realm may be communicating with you through your dreams, so try analyzing them carefully.  For those called to the Prophetic Ministry, refer to your Bible and God for answers.  Dream Interpreters, pay close attention, and be sure to Journal all of your Dreams.  Have a Journal by your bedside to capture your Dreams upon waking. 
For Shaman, pay particular attention to any animal totems that may appear, for these animals could be trying to send you a message.  Identify what they are saying using a Jungian analysis exercise.

9.  Have you discovered unusual spiritual superpowers, or what the yogis call “siddhis.”

You might be psychic.  You might receive healing visions. You may also realize that you can heal people with your hands (Faith Healer).  You may discover that you can telepathically communicate with animals, people, or even inanimate objects.

10.  Have you always felt like you don’t quite belong anywhere, because you are a bridge?

Shamans tend to live on the outskirts of the village for a reason.  They are not like the others — and this is a blessing! In village life, this is understood and recognized.  But in the modern world, shamanic archetypes may feel like they never fit in.  Don’t despair.  You do fit in, and your role is essential.  You may find that you feel most comfortable surrounded by others who share this shamanic archetype.

For those of you who are called to be a Healer, embrace this very vital and important call.  Pray about it, learn more about it, Journal about it, gain an understanding, and stand strong in your calling.
For the Shamans:  Embrace Your Bridge Work
Because shamans are always bridging between worlds, you may find that you’re bridging mainstream culture and the culture that wants to be born in the new consciousness, and this may feel uncomfortable, as if you don’t quite fit in.
There is a bridge between mainstream medicine and the new world medicine that is being co-created by others who share the shamanic archetype.  There are health care providers who participate in the Whole Health Medicine Institute founded by Dr. Lissa Rankin for doctors and other stealth shamans.  I am not familiar with Whole Health Medicine, but for those who are interested in this area, you may want to research it and find out more about it.
~ Friends, until our next Blog Session ~
Peace, Love & Light,


© Copyright - René Allen - JUNE 2017 - All Rights Reserved 

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