Thursday, June 8, 2017

JUNE 2017

Welcome back Blog Readers, Followers & Visitors ~
We're back from our Coffee Break, and before we go into our next topics of interest, we are going to take a brief moment here now to focus on our Journals.

When we were last here, our Blog Session centered around the topic of "Empathy".  If you have been following along with us for our Blog Sessions, then you will already have a wonderful Journal that suits you perfectly to take notes during our Blog Sessions.  You'll also have a separate personal Journal to keep track of your daily activity, notes, research projects, and daily items of interest that you'd like to make a note of so that you do not forget.

A personal Journal is the one thing that you will find to be really helpful for you.  Your personal Journal will help you to keep track of subject matters that concern you or those you care about.  Personal Journals are a view into your life from your interior point of view.  You may not realize it, but when you write, you normally write from a place that you rarely tap into.  Test this theory out by writing something and leaving it in a drawer somewhere, then come back to it a year or so later and see if you recognize the personal voice of the Writer on the pages.  What you will find is that the person who wrote the words on the page is someone that you know (like a friend), but not necessarily will you view that person as yourself.  Because what Journal Writing makes you do is write from the heart.  Heart~felt writing can be felt deeply by both the Reader and the Writer; and is very different from Research Papers.

Journaling is like therapy for your soul.  If you label each of your Journals with a subject line that reminds you of what made you start your new Journal, you'll quickly be able to go back to your Library of Journals at ease and put your hands on the Journal you're looking for.  For instance, if you are a person who is looking into matters about "health" -- be it physical health, mental health, psychological health, emotional health,  etc.  Labeling your particular Journal about the exact topic you are concerned about helps to keep your thoughts in order, and makes your personal Journal more useful.

Since we are discussing the topic of empathy and Empaths in our Blog Sessions, I'm recommending that you use doses of "empathy" as fuel for your Journal writing . . .

How can empathy help you learn more about yourself?

Remember, empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.  If you'll remember from our last Blog Session, we talked about how empathy is seeing with the eyes of another; listening with the ears of another; and feeling with the heart of another.

Also remember, if we understand "empathy" to be the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner, can we not also do the same for our "self"?

Knowing that our understanding, awareness, feelings, thoughts, and connection with the experience of another person is important in connection with empathy.  It would also make sense that an Empath would be able to do all that is described in connection with "empathy" just by the very nature of who an Empath is.

So here is the question for you for today:  Are you an Empath?

Your mission for this evening

Empath Journal Assignment:  Write with empathy about your "self".

Tips:  Be aware of your feelings;

Use understanding as you explore your feelings;

Capture your thoughts as they appear while you write;

Be sensitive to both your thoughts and emotions;

Finally, Empathize with your "self"

We have much more information to cover.  We'll be back here on the Blog discussing how people with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) have the capacity to experience great emotional depth because of their hypersensitivity.  And we will also discuss the difference between Empaths and Highly Sensitive People.  You won't want to miss our next Blog Session!

Peace, Love & Light,


©Copyright - René Allen - JUNE 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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