Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2017
Blog Session

Good Afternoon Blog Readers, Followers & Visitors:
Today, we are going to be discussing a topic that may interest you.  We'll be talking about something that you may not have thought about, but you may have experienced and not understood.  We will be talking about this topic for the Readers, Writers, Authors, and aspiring authors who read and follow this Blog.  It is a topic that could use the writing hand of those who have an empathic nature.  More people need to obtain a deeper understanding about this topic.  And more importantly, first-hand experiences.

Have you ever heard of the term, "Empath"?  If not, here is the definition for your Journal or Notebook . . .

An empath having a preternatural ability to apprehend the emotional state of another individual is a person who not only feels the emotions of others, but also has a preternatural ability ~ meaning their ability is beyond what is normal or natural.

There is also another area we will be discussing, and that is the area of "Highly Sensitive People", or HSPs.

There are many empaths that will quickly tell you . . .

"It took me a long time to figure out that I was an Empath, and I sure would like to save other Empaths the pain and exhaustion I went through."

Another Definition of an Empath...
"a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual."

You may wonder, well what does an empath feel?

One thing is certain, empaths feel pain and suffering deeply. An empath is unable to watch war movies, violent movies, or the news without being affected by what they see.  The reason being, they also "feel" what is seen.  An empath will feel what they are seeing in their body as if it is happening to them.

The other things that happen afterwards involve feeling sadness or pain for days on end.  For instance, an empath may see a dog that has been seriously injured by a car, and the empath may stop to care for the injured animal so that it will not suffer.  They will do everything possible to help the dog.  However, the image of the poor injured dog may stay with the empath in their mind for days, and cause the empath to cry in some cases.  This is a description of the deep pain and suffering that some empaths feel.

Just know that upon seeing or hearing about any kind of pain or suffering, an empath will be deeply affected by it, taking it on personally.  People who are friends with an empath will tell them to "just let it go", but an empath can't do that.  They will call the empath a "crybaby" or worst yet, they will not understand and think that the empath is a little off kilter, or say that they are overly emotional.

An empath will be made to feel bad about their sensitivity.  If you have ever been around someone in pain and felt that pain yourself, you will understand what we're discussing.  More than just human pain, an empath will also be likely to be able to connect with the suffering of animals, plants, and nature itself.

Empaths are highly sensitive to the environment.  The change of the weather, storms, and high or low temperatures are felt before hand by an empath.

Here is something that will help you if you think you may be an empath . . .

  • You are highly sensitive to the emotions of other people.
  • You have the ability to feel the energies of people, places and objects.
  • You experience feelings of anxiousness associated with social situations.
  • You experience general feelings of anxiousness.
  • You experience general feelings of sadness.
  • Being around negative people is overwhelming or unbearable for you.
  • You experience exhaustion, or feel mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually depleted after being around certain people.
  • You frequently experience heightened senses or feelings of sensory overload.
  • Your emotions and thoughts are easily influenced by music, tv and/or movies.
  • You feel things that you just can’t explain and which you can’t pinpoint the source of where it comes from.
What can you do right now to get in touch with what is going on with you if you think you may be an empath?

First, get a Journal . . .

Journaling for Self Knowledge

The number one skill to becoming an Empath Master is:

1.  First know yourself.  This might sound like an obvious answer to an obvious problem, after all how can you know the difference between what feelings come from “out there” and what feelings come from yourself, if you don’t first know yourself?

2.  Tuning in and balancing the solar plexus chakra is essential to stepping into your own personal power, especially as an Empath and healer.  Because Empaths are so open to the universal energy field, they tend to keep highly active third eye and crown chakras which can cause feelings of anxiety and flightiness.  Without maintaining practices to ground, filter, and balance their energies a lot of amateur empaths feel frequent emotional ups and downs.

3.  Take a look into your past.  Truth be told, it’s not uncommon for Empaths to have been past substance abusers. For many people, taking a deeper look within themselves can be even more uncomfortable than being a sponge of other people’s energy.  As highly sensitive people, many Empaths are wounded healers who have in the past felt experiences so deeply, that it might have seemed like a better option to not feel anything at all.

4.  Have you been numbing the pain or dulling your emotions?  You may have learned a bad habit in your past. But now, as you are growing in your spiritual awakening; it’s time to call it as it is.  Toss out the life tools that aren’t contributing to your growth and begin re-programming your mind-body for successful transformation.  It’s time to feel your life.

5.  Several times each and every day check in with yourself.  Using a scale of 1-10, assess how you are feeling physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  Take an extra note of why you might be feeling the way that you do. Pay attention and examine if there is an obvious reason for you to be feeling that way.  Is what you are feeling your own energy or someone else’s?

6.  Make a note of the sights, sounds & smells that make you feel good or bad.  Pay attention to how sights, sounds & smells make your body feel.

7.  Pay attention to the people in your life.  How do they make you feel?  Are they sucking the life energy out of you?  Do you feel drained after talking to them or being around them?  Do you feel sad or depressed after being around them?

The Journal Writing is for your enlightenment.  After you have taken an assessment of your "self", and thought about what you have written, you will be on the road to the path that leads to the place wherein you may KNOW THYSELF.

We'll be back with more vital information ...


More on Empaths

About "Highly Sensitive People" (HSPs)

A little about Healers


Friends ~ See you back here with your Journal!
Peace, Love & Light,


©Copyright - René Allen - JUNE 2017 - All Rights Reserved 

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