Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Finding a way to deal with Irrational People
in the year 2017

Well here we are once again to talk about a topic that may just interest you.  The reason why this topic may interest you is because chances are you have an irrational person or two in your life.  Just think for a I right about it?!

Many people have absolutely lost their minds these days. Their thinking is off balance.  Some might call it "crazy".  But lets just put it nicely, and say their behavior may be a little "irrational".

Which brings us to this ~ What is rational behavior?

To be rational has to do with having actions that are based on or in accordance with reason or logic.  Hummm....

So here is the question for all Readers today:  How do you deal with the difficult or irrational people in your life?

Lets just say that irrationality is one of the most challenging behaviors to face.  When someone is being irrational, they don’t listen to reason, logic, or even common sense.  They become laser focused and have one goal in mind -- whatever that goal may be at the time.  They tend not to hear anything that is being said that makes sense.

There are all kinds of books about this topic.  I have not read any of the following, but they are out there -- so maybe you have read them or heard about them:

1)  How to Deal with Irrational People: What to do When
      Common Sense Fails and "Crazy" Behavior Prevails
      By:  Paul Colaianni (Author)

2)  Talking to Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and 
       Impossible People in Your Life
       By Mark Goulston (Author)

3)  How to Deal with difficult People:  Discover the Secret to
      Disarming and Dealing with Difficult People
      By Charles Acklin (Author)

Now, certainly you can probably write a book of your own on this subject matter.  We have to face the fact that we all know people who are irrational, difficult, and may just happen to be somewhat out of control when it comes to being rational or logical.

When it comes to dealing with an irrational person, you can make no headway with them, because they are like walls. There is no way to reason with them, talk sense into them, or have a conversation with them that leads to logical, sensible, or rational results.  Just forget it.

So what do you do?

Dealing with an irrational person

How to you deal with or talk to someone who is out of control?  How do you handle someone who yells to get their point across about everything?  What do you do about an adult person who feels a need to cry about every little thing? How do you handle the person who has a conspiracy theory about the ants crawling across the floor, because they think the ants are equipped with microphones?

Have you ever met a person who is a Team Leader with a team that is mute or missing in action?  Wonder why?

Wonder no more.  People who are irrational never smell the coffee burning, never see the light, and never understand reasoning.  They do and say things that are over the top, off the cliff, and in the lagoon.

Imagine trying to talk sense into a man that you see doing this . . .

Irrational Behavior

What you see above in the picture is extreme.  But, understand that dealing with irrational people is like facing a situation like this.

You hear about irrational people in the news every day.  Like people running people over with their car because they are mad at them.  Or the road rage person who takes it too far and kills another individual because they rode too close to their bumper, or would not go fast enough when the light turned green.  Just think about all of the people who scream at others in their cars as if they can hear them with their windows rolled up, and they are two cars ahead of them... Really?  Yes, really -- these things happen.

There are people who are so into the internet social sites that they have turned their actions online into a reality show.  I mean really -- they are angry about things said and done on line, even when the person saying whatever is located 1,000 miles around the globe, and could care less whether that person is mad or not.

Then you have the people that act as if everything online or on television is about them personally.

Journal Notes

Here are some questions for you to write in your Journal for today's topic . . .

Is irrationality related to paranoia?  Is there such a thing as irrational paranoia?

Can irrational people alienate others from their life because of their behavior?

Do you know any irrational people who blame everybody they come in contact with for something ~ anything they can finger them for?

It is irrational to think that your unhappiness can be made better by blaming someone else for it?  It may work well for the Drama Kings & Queens, but it is not rational behavior.

It is irrational to think that other people in your life do not have other things to do except worry about your concerns every day of their life.

It is also irrational to think that just because mostly everyone you know has a cell phone these days, that anyone that you call should pick it up right away, and be available for you. Imagine someone being mad at someone because they didn't answer the phone when they called because they happened to be in the bathroom ~ imagine that.

Am I talking to anybody?

Unless the irrational person has some sort of psychosis or mental illness, there are ways to bring an irrational person back to rational thought.

We'll discuss those ways in our next exciting Blog Session.

Have a blessed day until we meet here again Friends ~

Peace, Love & Light,


© Copyright - René Allen - JUNE 2017 - All Rights Reserved

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