Saturday, June 3, 2017

We're doing some Journal Writing

June 2017

Good Evening Blog Readers, Followers & Visitors!

Welcome back to our next Blog Session.  We're back here to continue writing in our Journals, and to share further information on Empaths, a word about "Highly Sensitive People" (HSPs), and a little valuable information about Healers.

One notable mention about Empaths is this ~  If you are wondering if you are an empath, ask yourself, does everyone look to you for help or advice?  Do you tend to rush in to help take care of people when they are sick?  Do people say you "brighten their day" or do they "rely on their fix from you?"  If so, then recognize that you may be what is known as a "natural healer".

Whether you are in an official healing profession or not, people in pain (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically) will seek you out, looking for help.  And, whether you are conscious of it or not, you will help with your caring, concern, and energy.

You may also seem to simply have a sense for what someone needs to do to be able to heal.  From knowing the best path for someone to take to understanding the connection between a recent stressor and a new sickness.  This type of information may just flow out of you (with or without your conscious thought).

Let's take a deeper look at Emphatic Abilities . . .

Ask yourself if you feel like you may be a tuning fork for everything going on around you?

Ask yourself the following questions:

1.  Have you ever walked into a room and "felt" that people were angry, sad, or upset before anyone said a word?

2.  Have you been with someone that had a headache or pain in their body, and you develop the same, only to find it leaves you after you part ways?

If you've answered yes to either of those questions or both of those questions, it is a pretty strong indicator that you are an Empath.

As an Empath, you are open to and capable of sensing, subtle (and not so subtle) shifts in people's emotional and energetic states.  Because of this, you become like a tuning fork, vibrating at the same frequency as they are.

If you happen to be an aware Empath who has the skills to simply feel this and move it on, you're fine.

If you are unaware that this is happening to you, then you will end up feeling sick, angry, sad, happy, weepy, or whatever else is going on around you.  These feelings and reactions will make you wonder why you are suddenly feeling vastly different than you did just moments before.  Actually, it will possibly make you wonder whether or not you are crazy.

Just for the record, you're not crazy.  You simply have more finely tuned empathic sensors than the average person.

 Finely Tuned Emphatic Sensors

What about your environment?

If you are an Empath, you will be sensitive to your environment.  You may hear things that others do not hear. What may sound like a dull noise or no noise at all to someone else in the same room with you, will sound crystal clear, and sometimes very loud to you.  Or you may smell things that others do not smell.  An Empath will be keenly sensitive to both sounds and smells -- even through closed doors and windows.  And there is nothing worse that a loud television, loud music, or a loud talking person to an Empath's ears.  Those types of sounds will drive an empath up the wall!

What else will you notice if you are an Empath?

You will notice when a room doesn't feel quite right.  You will hear the annoying buzz of a fly that no one else seems to hear.  You'll sense the vibration of a giant air conditioner unit or smell a specific spice in a meal.

What about being in an enclosed space with other people -- like a bus, a car, an elevator or an airplane?

It may very well be a very hard and/or annoying thing to do.  The reason being that you will be in an enclosed space with possibly a lot of people and all their varying emotional states.  You'll find that many empaths become fearful of flying without realizing that it is their hyper-sensitivity causing the fear, rather than any real danger.

Another thing that an empath will quickly notice is the anxiety and nervousness of others.  It will cause an ungrounded Empath to possibly become jittery, anxious, nervous or agitated.  Very nervous and/or hyper people are disconcerting to the Empath if they are not grounded.

Here is the positive side of being an Empath . . .


Being a draw has a lot to do with having "charisma".  If you find that people are drawn to you, you are charismatic (even if you don't realize you are).  An Empath has this one particular "gift" ~ it is what some people would call the gift of the draw, and the drawing card is "charisma".

People are drawn to Empaths.  The Empath is like a magnet for people to be drawn to so that they may tell their life stories, seek advice, benefit from a listening ear, receive a prayer, and on and on the list of things that are a drawing factor.

One thing that the Empath must keep in mind -- remember to set healthy boundaries.  You do not want to find yourself trying to extract yourself from a connection with a person who has been drawn to you, and then you find that they are depleting your energy.

Remember, because of the high-vibration of energy that Empaths naturally put out, you'll end up being like a flame to a moth.  People are just naturally drawn to you if you are an empath, because your energy and your caring ways make them feel better.  Many times people don't know why they need to be around you so much, but that is the reason why -- you recharge their batteries so to speak.

If this sounds like you, then you will notice that people start up conversations with you in public places like restaurants, coffeehouses, or airports.  You will also notice that people seem to need to recharge by being around you.  Because of this, you may also notice that you have a preponderance of very needy people who become very demanding of your time and energy as well.

BUT WAIT, there is so much more that you need to know about Empaths & Highly Sensitive People (HSPs)... please stop back in for MORE INFO!...

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See you at our next Blog Session

Peace, Love & Light,


©Copyright - René Allen - JUNE 2017 - All Rights Reserved 

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